"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The other side of Piracy, Somalian Style....

Pirates are bad. They really are but there is not where the story ends. It's where it begins that we should be looking at! Why aren't we ever told anything in this country that comes close to what is really happening to people across the planet?

This is the OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY of Somalia. I am posting this here because I'm sick of the local rag, the San Diego Onion.. ooops, Union, not having the common decency to look at the big picture.

Is everyone who can't defend themselves just supposed to roll over and die, like all others have before them, just because a war they have nothing to do with has impacted their lives unto the death?

I hate this local paper. They have no sense.


  1. I'm glad you put this up. SG talked about it in January, and I picked it up. I think I'll grab this and put it up too, please.
    And I'm gathering all my word verification words today, and making up a story with them.

  2. Yes please do, k. I think that the founding fathers had less reason to start a war than these poor fishermen. Cancun, for instance, was not built out in no man's land. There were several fishing villages there. Duh! Where did these people wind up? They all didn't get jobs at the big luxury digs...

  3. Glad to be catching up with your blog. Thanks for sharing with us. And I love what you did with the flowers, too!

  4. Thanks for visiting and your nice commenting Chayah.

    That flower generator just got me all excited about trying some thing with it. It's a great tool. Very spring like header.

    Happy Springtime!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..