"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Giving Cowardice it's Due....

I just had to post this. It's just too good not to share!

The Title is:

It’s Not All Greed and Stupidity, You Know. Cowardice Needs To Take a Bow, Too.

The Tea-Baggers and their 9-12 parties are the perfect confluence of stupidity and greed. Anyone can point to the protests, and say, “This is what happens when the worst corporatists mobilize the most angry and misinformed.” These are the people who could be counted on to back any outrage Bush and company wanted to commit. Raiding of the treasury - they were onboard. Illegal war - that’s patriotic. Global warming – that’s liberal propaganda. Spying on Americans – well, if you have nothing to hide. Torture – terrorists do worse. No matter how much their stances twisted history, common sense, reality or decency, the group that would later form the backbone of the Tea-Baggers would give their full support, if told to by the right people.

But of course that is not the full story. Although the evil and the stupid are the most culpable for today’s multitude of problems, the cowards have had their hand in what’s going on. The hundreds of prominent people who stood up and always stand up when needed, plus the millions of unknowns who meet any injustice with the courage of a hero, are by far out numbered by those who are happy to keep quiet and give tacit approval to any affront.

The cowards kept quiet during all of the aforementioned crimes and they remain so today in the face of unbelievable hypocrisy, idiocy, open bigotry and not-so-subtle threats of violence. They were the ones who whispered, “okay” when the religious right demanded the government get out of our lives while simultaneously demanding more church in our state. They were the ones who stammered, “well alright” when the most fanatical and uneducated insisted that religion have an equal footing with science – in the science classroom. They are the ones who knew better but remained silent when certain people were made the scapegoat for the latest distraction. The Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore, illegal aliens, the French, whomever the demon of the week is, you know the cowards will let it ride. In fact, you can always count on the cowards to do the very least they can do.

Normally the greedy lead the stupid - that is what we’re all used to. Now we’ve reached a new nadir in which the stupid have taken the lead, the greedy have stepped out of the picture, (except where they’ve joined the cowards) and the cowards are in their usual role as, well cowards. For years the corporate media has censored the news. They decide what stories are covered, what importance the stories are given and what slant if any is given to the coverage. We’ve grown used to the fact that certain outlets are just not reliable sources of information. Certain people can be counted on to ferret out the truth, and some will bend over backwards to lie. Most who are interested in facts have figured out ways to remain well informed and have adjusted to today’s reality. Now there is something new to contend with. Not only will the greedy try their hand at filtering out what you will see and not see, but also the stupid now will have their say in what’s okay for you to view.

The stupid have now branched out from the schools where evolution is barely taught, and have managed to ban a movie in the U.S. without even saying a word. The movie Creation will not be shown because it’s “too controversial for religious America.” There was no outcry from the religious right not to show this movie. People just knew there would be and that was enough.

So, Coward America, is this okay with you? Because if you don’t say anything now, you better get used to Stupid America deciding what you can watch.


Gosh, I feel better already.

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