"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Busy Book gathering for winter nights

I've waited an age and a half for these books. They are used but they are in perfect condition, well, a little bit of wear on that dust jacket. Knitting goes Large has some extremely lovely cardi patterns in it. And Knitting Nature has several patterns for sweaters and smaller things- the Sunflower Tam- that I've been longing for ever since it popped up in Ravelry.

Today was a busy housework day as DH was off to help his sisters early this morning. A load of towels is chugging away in the washer, I actually dusted the top of our dressers, and scrubbed up a bathroom , and now , as my reward for the best behavior, I can go knit that sock and watch the McLeod Sisters kick some cowpoke hinnie for isubordination. So much fun.

It rained a little last night. October rain in SoCal! Imagine! The little rooted ones and all the birds must be rejoicing! I know the shade patio plants are always happy when it rains. And today, the other book might come. Rho, I got that bread book! 5 minute bread? Anyway, it's wending it's way to my door. It's baking season!
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  1. I haven't even looked at the latest Interweave Knits! Southern Indiana FiberArts Festival is this week end and Fuzzarelly Fibers will be there.

    We are looking to get a lot more rain, after some area flooding just last week.

  2. Oh Fuzzarelly, I saw that flooding! Darn, there is another storm heading out from here, too. I hope you don't get any flooding. Fingers, eyes and toes crossed.

    Best Wishes for selling out at the show. Your stuff is gorgeous and may the customers come in busloads.

    I saw the IK but I'm waiting for the holiday issue. Maybe it IS the holiday issue? Oh boy.. sigh..

  3. We had rain up here, too—loved it!

    I really enjoy my copy of Knitting Nature. Haven't actually knit anything from it, but love leafing though it and thinking about things.

  4. Hi Sarah-Hope, and thanks for stopping by. Isn't Knitting Nature an interesting book. I would have to be more brave than I am as a knitter to make some of those patterns, but there's a lot in the book to like, too.

    Ah, the rain was glorious. Bu, then we got the big "Suck the Land Dry" High Pressure system with temps of 95°.

    It made me a little angry, since water restrictions are in place, still. Come on Winter! ;o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..