"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More Dog Genetics

We think that we've figured out everything now, sort of.  And forgive me for the hideous amount of EDITING I've been guilty of in this post.

Wolfie has a Shih Tzu parent and a parent who was a mix of the three other small domestic breeds, and that every dog on earth but those who are inbred enough to be in the AKC or similar organization's registries, has the first and the second domestic breeds in their DNA make up,  namely, Saluki and the Husky.   That last is a guess.

There are lots of designer dogs which are bred with Poodles, and Chihuahuas.  There are Shi-chi's, Pekipoos, Shi-poos, Chi-poos,  you name it, the designer dog breeders have bred them to sell.   Just look at the amazing variety on the web.

The digger in him comes from both Saluki and Siberian Husky genes.  Thank you to k at dottedyellowline!

So, you can see the poodle in him and the Shih Tzu.  The Husky is a little hard to see- DH just points to Wolfie's front feet as the Husky's contribution - but the Saluki contributed to the black saddle, the face mask, and some of the other mottled coloring.  He's a very cute little dog even with that crooked and broken little tail. 

Nighty Night!  Sweet Dreams to you all!

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