"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

What I've been up to....

It's the last day of February, and it's windy and sunny and warmer. Spring may have arrived!  I've been trying for two days to use a utility embedded now in Google through their buyout (sometime ago) of Picasa, and it's not working. Maybe I'll finally just toss Picasa for good.

We started tearing down the "Wall of Boxes" that separated the great room into living room side and studio side, and look what DH found out I had in one of the boxes.  I was as shocked  perplexed as he was.

I still want to order other sweater yarn that matches his, except for color, but I can get at least two sweaters for us out of this load.  Yippie!  See, Rho, the humbug is almost gone.  Whew!  Happy surprises and a dust allergy have stopped me for the moment!

 R, this is your sweater.  Obviously Mama didn't figure out that Noro has a mind of it's own.  That's the back you knit, and the one that I should have tried to match.  I will be doing my d*mnedest to match the two fronts!  But it's going to be very pretty.  I don't have a big love for Noro, expensive and spun like beginner's yarn- heck I could do that!- but it is very soft.

This yarn reminds me of the contest for weavers some years ago, where they were to make their best fabric and an interesting one - "unusual" being the key word here.  They all lost out to the one gal who swept up her studio floor, spun all the sweepings and wove the winning entry.  


While DH and I were poking around in various faux walls and forgotten drawers, we found my mother's little garden saw.  This is one of the things I saved from oblivion, and something I think I actually remember her using on the fruit trees; when mother died, we went through her things.  I also have her buck saw.  I remember her using that, sawing away at bigger roots and with a Pall Mall hanging from her lips.  She was a smoker but that's not what killed her.  She died mostly of a broken heart, and if it were in my power, I would do a switcheroo; I'd bring her back and send Psycho dad into eternal oblivion.

Next up is news on "The Sock"... I've been gritting my teeth and attempting to force myself to cast on the mate, fearing a really bad case of Second Sock Syndrome was occurring.  Happily, there was an intervention.  The ONE thing in sad sock's favor is that DH defended it, saying that it looked like a Christmas stocking to him.  God Bless that man!  Now, when I cast on, I will think of elves wearing them in a workshop at the North Pole.  

Have fun with your knitting, and with your rabble rousing!  I'm with you all out there fighting the two faced mutant dragons that all just hatched. 


  1. i'm loving ur honest style of writing. u and me got a lot in common in that i reckon. x

  2. I think we do, Ahipara Girl. I did sign the Small is Beautiful Circle pledge. There are a whole bunch of blogs on it to read. One of my favorite thing in the whole world is to read blogs.

    I was worried about you until I saw where you were on the Islands. I truly hope that your family and other loved ones are doing well. Scary times. You are the one who collects heart shaped rocks. I have a cartoon for you! I'll risk copyright and post it for you. It's very sweet.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..