"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DH will not eat Kimchi.

He has said that he didn't like it and won't eat it.

He also said,"Have you ever eaten it?"

I said, "No, have you?"

He said, "Yes, and I don't like the taste."

I think what appealed to me - before the woman in the video threw in all the raw sea foods - is the process of making something that exotic. Middle Eastern foods, or Asian foods, are about as exotic as I've ever cooked. Well, there was that Bambi-who-came-home-in-pieces-with-the-hunter Venison that I cooked one abortive meal with. This after DH proudly dragged in all his meaty packages; you know, the hunter, in from the kill with the slabs of raw meat.

I was two months preggers and did NOT like the SMELL of that meat. I tried to fry it. Oh UGH! Anyway, there will be no Kimshi making in this house, I am informed that it would be wasted food. About the sad venison- we gave it all away to those who could better appreciate it than MOI.

So, I'll stick with kibby, hummus, tabooli and the new hobby of trying to make some decent round Arab bread. So much easier to buy it, if you know where to get it. I used to buy it at a small International food store in Kearny Mesa, but people who went in and out of there were being watched, and with good reason. Everyone was very polite to me, the wild looking Western lady with a passion for the freshest Pita in town.

I am now official depressed. It's better to make it official than to keep suffering a malaise without acknowledging it. My sister is going insane from worry that her shortfall under disability will crush her. I'm trying to remember that no matter what, she cannot come to live with me. We've tried it, twice. It just does not work. I'm too weak willed to just give her "two tight slaps" when she needs them the most. She will be into everything, color coding it and mapping the locations while I am asleep. She does not sleep! And she will get autocratic. I can't live with autocrats. Never again will I be told anything about how something must be done or not done. Except by DH who has earned his stripes. So to speak.

Ah, something nice! I've been looking for a good list of sizing for socks, and think it's finally fallen into my hands. It's now in the side bar with a twirled button that looks a lot like glass work. Click the button and see if you like the sizing Aid.

I finished reading Music of the Heart. It's a wonderful book. Now the movie makes a little more sense. Merle Streep did a stellar performance as the lead character, but you will love the real Roberta. There is also a documentary called, "Small Wonders" about this woman and the program she created for two schools in New York. The documentary was filmed at the actual school, and is so amazing because you meet some of the parents in it.

We need music in the public schools. Our children need music like the air that they breathe. It helps them to learn to think. It's absolutely critical for training the brain.

Alas, just as predicted by a very wise man, it's been stolen by the worst dragons there are. I don't have to tell you where the children's educations and their houses have gone. We are wise enough to see that for ourselves. Anyway, music programs in the schools are something we, as a civilized nation, should not be going without. Europe doesn't, and why must we? Not enough money? Where is all the money? Follow it.

I'm going to bed. I'm reading a real fire breather next. I'm not telling.

PS> The short ads that no one but myself can see are advertizing Buffalo and Venison for my greater gustatory pleasure. You have to bless the little ad gremlins for trying! Night nIght! I'm off to sleep!


  1. I will eat kimchi, but I would never make it because I never want very much or very often. Lunch at a good Korean restaurant is just about right.

    Depression is a tough thing and it's too easy to fall into the Black Hole. I know your sister's problems are distressing, but it's OK for you not to be able to fix it. Sending good thoughts and love to you.

  2. kimchi is like cake--there are many different kinds! some are mild, some are complex, some are just too damn hot!

    I like it sometimes, and sometimes i don't!

    One short term fix for depression--don' sleep. go all day, stay up all night, and all of the next day. go to bed about the right time (maybe a little early 10PM instead of 11, but not 8 PM.

    Usually, you get a good sleep, and wake refreshed, and feel a bit better. (stay up for 2 nights if you can an it works better.. but..)
    it's safe, easy, drug free. the effects only last a week or so, but its easy to repeat --
    Don't do it if you are on prescribed medication..unless you check with MD-- (you can check with md before too.. there may be a reason (other meds) that conter indicate.) but it does work (most of the time) and has no negative side effects

  3. to Ellen: I think that I'll try some that my DD makes, as it's vegan, and probably not really hot.

    Thank you for some sage advice and for the good thoughts and love. It means an awful lot to hear it. I go up and down mercurially. I guess it's fear of what is going to come, because, now, I can really hear it coming.

    to Helen:

    Thank you so much for your kindness. I'm going to go to bed early tonight, and sleep LATE tomorrow. *knocks on wood*

    I used to go two days with only two or three hours sleep, do an all nighter, and then five hours sleep, then start all over again. Now I get plenty of sleep since I have a regimen that the docs worked out for me some time ago - a little sleep aid, a little herbal, some meds that I need that make me sleepy. It's been great!

    But that sister of mine, I think of the Princess and the Pea when I think of her, and that was before she had this nasty brain altering disease. It's going to be a wild ride.

    Ah, that smelly Kimshi problem. I shall think of it as cake now. I'll just not be making any unless the recipe is cut down to a TENTH of what she made in the video. One pound of cabbage, etc. NO SQUID OR RAW FISH..ew!

    It's good to know that some Kimshi is not so hot that you wish you had never gotten ten feet from it let alone put some into your mouth.......Like our dog. Gah! He just came in from a night walk, after trying to eat a bee, which of course stung him. (there is no accounting for taste in a dog) It's Benedryl time! Nighty night!

  4. Amen..to music in schools...kind of like ART, PE and recess. you said it..it's follow the money..into the pockets of reorganization with 'intovative' education (of course, in the name of better education) uh-um...just a tad bitter at the moment. just contract your departments out! where-sure, the first year is a DEAL, but after that? too late. you've dug your hole deeper.
    Kimchi- never tried. depression- ah yes that downward spiral with repeating thoughts and mantras. Midol is a good one to help relax and sleep in my 'extreme times' although never had prob. with sleep really..prob. because I wake up so early! I know how it is to be in a crowded room and still feel alone, but sometimes be alone and be just fine. I do journal privately about such stuff.(then read over on a good day!) OR drive a bus, for me it totally works get outside myself. HA :)

  5. Hi PJ. Yes, aren't the schools just getting eaten alive? I really can't say much about it though, because I get completely enraged.

    Thank you for your suggestion for sleep aids, PJ. An yes, you do wake up early! It's that big Yellow bus!

    I think that my sister has pulled herself together after panicking (and blowing up in my face). Also, they will work together on this, or not. But, and thanks Ellen, it's not my problem to solve. It helped that I will now send her a "body check" when she starts in on something I don't want to hear instead of letting it eat away at me. She's ten years younger and has no idea what my brother and I went through before she was born OR was self aware.

    Kimchi... I'm beginning to see that I should try Vegan ones, with fish anything, and see if I I like it. hehe I can always just buy a little bit if I do.

    @ everyone. Thanks to all of you for the input!

  6. That should read, kimchi WITHOUT fish anything.. i.e. no "fish sauce"


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..