"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Roses from yesterday....

This just might get posted three times...Picassa and Blogspot don't always want to talk to each other....

Roses from the Commons gardens at my Sister's complex

Hope you enjoy them.  They were stunning yesterday.  Some had to be held steady because the wind was roaring.

PS.  Actually I am not moving the blog; I'll just keep changing this one. hahaha  Lots easier!


  1. Roses! we still don't have tulips..but we do have daffodils, and crocus!

  2. I'm glad the daffodils and crocus are up so they can cheer up the east. I've always missed those flowers out here. My Narcissus didn't bloom this year but the Iris are blooming.

    I can boast only one little tulip flower this year. I think they all got crowded out by that big Aeoneum that shares their pot.

    Roses here are doing fabulously this year, with all the rain they got in September as well as winter and early spring.

  3. Roses are just my absolute favorite.

    I wanted to get one of those mini small roses, but I wanted ones with a fragrance. But I called this one nursery to ask them if they have ever seen any small ones with a fragrance to them, and they said "no". I felt so bad. That's the second favorite thing I like about roses is the beautiful smell.

  4. Z, I am with you on that. I love roses best which is saying a lot since Bearded Iris are so gorgeous!

    The mini roses are amazing, but when I asked my sister this evening, she said that hers have either very little or no fragrance, so I guess that nursery is right. :-(

  5. - Zippi -

    Yeah that sad face you made at the end of your sentence is how I feel about it too.

    :( :( :(

  6. me, too Z. :( :( :( I never see very nice ones anymore. But they might be out there! :) :) :) We must keep looking!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..