"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another Eppie and two tiny new baby succulents, and the backyard nest report.

First the Bird Nest Report:

The doves have been rousted out of their nest building so many times by the roofers working near by that they haven't set any eggs they protected from the jays, who are very good at stealing unguarded eggs, and even take nestlings. The jays, Mocking birds and cats must make it Nesting Hell for the the mourning doves and sparrows.

Sparrows of all kinds nest in the neighbor's very dense Cape Honeysuckle bushes; I feel sorry for the poor little sparrows. The same misguided folks that brought over cats brought starlings and pigeons a little later on. More food for the native falcons!

Unfortunately, it's very bad to have cats where bush nesting and ground nesting birds were so vulnerable. Some people actually think cats are part of nature's balance but that couldn't be more false than in California and the rest of the West.

Newest Bloom
The Fall and Winter rains were so very kind to the Eppies, and so many of them which haven't bloomed in the drought felt the energy to put out blossoms.  The one I'd hoped for the most is the beautiful Bronze but so far, no joy there.  This a slightly different shade of deep pink than the other one that bloomed earlier.  I like rose and pink so cannot complain.  I want the yellows to bloom, too, but they may be too wild root now.  I'll need to replace them.

The two potted succulents are in pots no bigger than a female adult human can fit a thumbprint into. I love how succulents produce these little surprises all the time.

These are very small

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Well, back to my knitting!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..