"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So far, this is looking good and has been fun to knit. I'll likely get quite a bit done through the coming weekend since we have a quiet one coming up. After that I'm starting on the cotton top and the short fingered gloves, to have them all done by June.  Plus, I will get the snarly Beastly out of the tote and the Noro that is straight easy knitting, unlike Snarly Beastly, which is definitely a Man's Manly sweater.  Fight all the way!


DH turns one of the big numbers (70) this weekend, and we'll  have a little Italian dinner at a favorite spot. As we looked into each others' eyes this morning, in the sunny light of the kitchen window,  I remarked, "Wow, we made it this far; who knew we'd live this long?!!" He just smiled that sweet smokey blue-eyed smile of his and we hugged.

I'm so glad to be getting better so swiftly, and with an amazing new straight leg. Thank you all for the good thoughts and wishes! They are working!

This is The Old Busted
 The picture of The New Hotness will come when it's not so pathetic looking.  My limp is gone, the cane is practically history, though it's pink with roses, so it's a keeper just in case.  
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  1. Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Birthday, too!

  2. Thank you K!

    Yesterday was fun, and as soon as I recover from it, today will be, too! hehe

  3. wow, great job! (both knee and knitting ;) Happy BD to DH! My hubby's was last week..another one not together. Well, my blog friend, 25 more days. I'm floating back and forth between saddness and happiness..pros and cons.... from Paula (Golden Oasis)

  4. Why thank Mz. Paula. :-) And Happy Belated Birthday to your Honey,too.

    I know how sad you are to leave but how much you look forward to being all together again, too. Yes, bittersweet. Hugs!

    I wish you God Speed on your Journey, and a uneventful and PDQ settling in at the new digs. I can't wait to meet you, m'friend! Yay!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..