"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

More about the wonderful Bees, and all the other pollenators

First, a Late Friday Fill in, which got overtaken by my getting the Saturday post up and running.

1. Spring is a lovely song sung to Life with a Capital "L"!
2. The words are  strong and sweet.
3. I forgot to say that they are bird song!
4. The odor of citrus blossoms is delicious!
5. Heads, shoulders, knees and arms move to the music.
6. Gardening  is my favorite form of exercise when it's warm enough out not to wear a coat!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to resting, tomorrow my plans include reading my new book and knitting the second sock, and Sunday, I want to eat pineapple!

And now, for "The Beauty of Pollination."

I told Judi that I was going to steal this one.  I will link her blog HERE but she's gone all facebook on me.  Well, at least she still blogs, sometimes.  She's a wonderful Quilter!

Enjoy the TED!

Today I helped trim the flowering bushes around my MIL's house, and the bees were there doing their jobs.  I got really close to one and said, "Hello, little girl."  I was happy to see them busily gathering pollen and nectar.  So Sweet.

A Saturday Sky Post:

View out a back window looking to the East.
Today there was a White Crowned Sparrow singing for hours in the Cape Honey Suckle bush.  I think the rest have moved on, towards the mountains.  I can see the sunrises from this window. 

Beaver Tail

Today, the Mammillaria elongata was blooming.

First ever Blossoms on the baby Barrel cactus from my mother's Seeds.

I really meant to wear the sock today, but that's for tomorrow.  I can't do it.  I went to the gym, then stood for a long enjoyable bush trimming session with my Love of a sister in law, and went trotting in and out of JoAnn's and Michaels stores in search of all the 40% pots of  Wilton's dyes that I could garner in one day.  I'm too tired to go to sleep and am thinking of having a BIG "gin & it" to help things.  My doctor would kill me if I did that, providing I actually lived through it, but I want to sleep tonight!

I've gotten scads of papers and old cards organized for crafting.  My sister wants to learn how to make the tiny boxes so that is a craft we can both enjoy.   I really have got to go to bed now, sleepy or not.  I worked too hard and too long today.  I hope the rest of you are asleep and having very sweet dreams.

Someone rescued a little, blind poodle mix from a trash heap,  and a video was posted of the rescue and care.  I cried my eyes out watching the video.  I'm so grateful that I went looking at the pound dogs when I did.  Wolfie looked like that little poodle when he was caught.  He was a tiny curled up dog with a great big head and enormous brown eyes in his photo, with no hair on his body.  He was starving to death and so sick that he'd have died if he hadn't been caught and brought in.  He's such a happy, wonderful little guy.   Horrible to think how close he came to having his little life, so full of the joy of existence now, ended in a gas chamber.
Wolfie had a lovely time today running like a maniac in the fenced yard at DH's mom's house.  I can't really describe the feelings I have for this little being that saved me and brought me back to life.  It's love forever.

Saturday Komeekz

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..