"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturday Komeekz and other Rasmatazz

A day without Bizarro is like a day without sunshine.  You know, 24 hours of night -no twilight even.   I know that Alaskans have at least some light each day, or so I'm told.  Never been any farther north than the Oregon border with California, I should watch my sassy tongue! So, I will.  No Alaskan jokes though I know some very good ones!

Also, I wanted to share this link about a group of doctors in Indonesia who are working hard to cure blindness caused by cataracts there.

The AP Article

Happy day after Black Friday.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..