"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Fill-ins and chit chat

The Beauty Beneath my Feet.

And...here we go!

1. I love the feeling of having the leisure to not have to rush off now, in the morning.

2. Seeing my husband smile at me when he brings me tea always brightens my day.

3. Being able to go see my daughters again in that game changing year is what I will remember the most from 2012.

4. My favorite family recipe is hand made pizza from scratch, the dough and all;  we don't make it anymore but it's still better than anything you can buy anywhere.

5. When I want to spoil myself I have coffee and chocolate covered ginger from Trader Joe's, or maybe some Lacey's Cookies.  I love them both.

6. "Bones" (or maybe "Numb3rs") is my favorite TV show.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Netflix or reading Dr. Terry's Bear book; tomorrow my plans include doing more organizing or pouring more wax forms and Sunday, I want to go through one big tote in the sewing room.  Just yank that puppy out from under the table in there and go through it.  It's not a tailor's workroom, like I want to have in there, so it's just going to be my sewing room for the rest of my lifeThis, even though it will always LOOK like a tailor's workroom.

The weather is finally warming up, three cheers!  The roses were pruned today, and the doves that usually hide along the stand for the water shell were sitting disconsolate in the cape honeysuckle that has really taken a cold weather hit.   I hope it survives.  But, it's a hero plant, as it saved the citrus trees in it's shadow.

Yesterday I went to see my sister, who surprised me with a little silver heart necklace that she made from half a pair of earrings; she made two necklaces, matching, for us.  I took her one of the bee's wax hearts which she has decided to hang in her kitchen.  We talked about Mother, and how she liked Oriental things.  Mom called them her "Chinesey looking things".  

It was a lifelong passion for Mother, this love of the Oriental Look.   Sis and I talked about having gotten the bug for thrift shops from Mother.  She really loved to go thrift shopping to search out her special little bits and pieces of "things to look at."   I thought it was a mid-western behavior  but it's not. 

All people love a bargain. And most women have a decorator's hand for their homes, even if they have very little money.  She would find clothes there, too.  So do we.  And my daughters, too.  It's fun.  You never know what you will find, and it's just a lot of fun to do.

In a few days I have to have a procedure on my eyes.  One is too dry and the other one always is dripping tears.  People think I'm sad because a tear periodically rolls down my cheek.  Well, sometimes I am sad but it's different, that errant drip.  It is an ersatz tear.   

When we are driving somewhere, and I have to wipe away a tear, I imagine that other drivers or passengers in cars think that some unhappy event has transpired, but it's only that I have ultra tiny tear ducts and they won't behave!  I hope that the new specialist can whip those little follicles into shape!

Still no knitting.  But I've picked out a half a dozen possibilities for the sock yarns for an Opal sock bunny and unearthed the pattern, yarn and needles for a nice angora hat.  Hopefully I am NOT allergic to Angora, an insult that occurs more and more as the years pile on. Oh!  Big FAT Yay!  I have a new allergy and it's to lichie nuts, Angora, hot buttered popcorn, banana splits *insert whatever*!   But this is America, and there is a heck of a lot of food here.  I'll always find something really good to eat.  That is until they have to feed me through a tube, yes?  Please God, no!

Three little sisters at Halloween a long time ago.
Right to left - Elle, Gee and Jimmie

Little Readers, start them Young!
Twins and me, Jimmie in front, Gee next to me.

Daddy and the Big Sisters Bee left, and Elle right
We are all still readers.  It's a Great Escape! 


  1. Glad to hear you are warming up. San Diego is one of the places my son and DIL visit to relax. They love it! Their home is in Yuma. Thanks for sharing your family picture and memories.

  2. I love #1! Not having to rush anywhere is a great feeling! :)

  3. Cathy, San Diego is usually like it was today, warm and amazingly balmy. It's like late spring right now after all that frozen air blowing 60 mph! hehe I will be sharing more photos as I'm "going through things" and am agog at what I'm finding. A quilt? my my...

    Apple, I think that not having to rush out for/to anything is the best thing about being an old lady! hehehe

  4. Lovely post. I got my love for thrifting from my mom too. She owned an antique shop. It was until later in life I started collecting and selling. It's amazing what I leaned just being around her!! I am going to be craving homemade pizza all night! I didn't participle in Friday Fill-Ins this time, but I still hope you come and say hi!

  5. Hi Karen Mary Butterfly, I saw your new header and that wonderful Valentin's Day Swag/banner you created for your blog. You made me think of doing more for Valentine's.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..