"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Fill-ins, Time machine in Black and White

And away we go!

1. Warmth, in the form of a Santa Ana, has come to our region.  Yay!
2. Living near the ocean is a dream come true for me, though I did like living closer when we were a young "married with children" couple.  We could all ride to the beach on our bikes on small, safe roads.  Now that was very coolI LOVE the Ocean!
3. Wandering about in Thrift stores, looking for treasures, is one of my favorite things to do.
4. But my favorite place to travel to is Santa Cruz, on vacation.
5. What in the world would have happened if that Asteroid had actually hit the Earth? I am so glad that it didn't!
6. I bet it would have melted some Siberian snow.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Netflix with my DH, tomorrow my plans include making earrings and putting away more stuff in the storage room, and Sunday, I want to rest and read more of my book, and work on more jewelry- I am behind in everything!

Now the Black and White Part:  I found more old photos of my mother and her gardens, me and my baby sister and of my little brother.  We lived in a paradise that Mother made, built it with her own hands, so to speak.  I had such a wonderful mother.

Larger View with Chicken coop and yard beyond.
The gigantic watering trough for cattle is behind the curved beds before the Coops, and the river runs behind it all.  We had ducks, geese, pigeons and chickens.

Closer shot that shows the willows at the river bend.
When it was hot, I would go sit on the sand bar under the willows and read my books.

Little Brother bowing to our "Queen" who played with us sometimes.
The river is beyond the edge of the lawns. Baby sister C is in the carriage in the shade.
Me holding my tiny two month old baby sister.
I have a hairnet because I worked in the school cafeteria
and had just arrived home.  I am 9 in this picture.


  1. Hi Kara, thank you for the sweet comment. I wish you could see all the GREEN in these pics. I remember how green it was, everywhere, and the river was magical. Then there was all of Mother's flowers and trees.
    These pictures show the early gardens, and only half of them. There must have been a full acre of garden beds and lawns when it was done. Then there was the immense vegetable garden on the other side of a rail fence at the top of the property. It was all created near the river bed so the soil was thick and good. A century of cattle must have added to the fertility!

    There was an existing big black walnut tree over by the vegetable garden, and mother planted two kinds of nut trees, and we had three kinds of peach that were already there, Mom planted both a plum and apricot tree, English walnut, Almond, and a cheery tree. No apples - too warm. Except for Psycho Dad, it was a pretty happy time. :) Two and a half acres of Heaven otherwise. Now you know why I'm not much of a big city grrrl. lol

  2. You? naaaa, I'm the one behind on everything! Enjoying your photos! I forgot to say on my last comment...on Valentines day I posted on facebook a MUTTS comic (a diff. one, but just the thought of good minds working the same!

    1. Mutts is so darn cute! I like Woofy, too, the dog that kisses everyone. That's the way Wolfie is. lol. Except he still doesn't trust men. He's got some guy friends now but he really plays hard to get before he trusts them. Glad you liked the photos. I'm going though my shoe boxes. lol


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..