"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Five Minute Friday Small, August Happiness Challenge-the Daylilies reappear, Wolfie, Update on the Jam

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Five Minute Friday.  This can be brutal:

Since I'm a topic writer this is very hard.  I've heard of writing this way but it seemed fruitless.  Stream of conciousness is not something I'll willingly do!  I'm thinking of finding new authors to read, or new books from authors like Annie Proulse or Jane Smiley that I already like, but there are all of Noam Chomsky's books to read because I think of him as one of the truly remarkable minds of the last one hundred years.
Sometimes it seems pointless at my age to be spending time reading but the thing is there is a connection between all of life, some of it more sentient than others, but still the less sentient need their space so It's a good thing to remember to put pressure on the ruiners of the earth to recall that each and every one of them, they themselves(!), depends on fresh water to live and some acreage that grows food; you know arrible land that growers can't use anything but fresh water for irrigation.

Water, land every one depends on it for their food and drink , there is no equivocation on that.  Every single one of us.  Now I am thinking, is this going to be able to be cleaned up, this writning or do we just present it as is?  Being new to it I have no idea whatso ever but that's is all the time I have except to say that love is the most important thing in solving all the problems we have. I love you, the end.

 Now, I'll tell you where I got this:

The Lieber's Family Blog

And, If you want to participate, here is the place for the rules, and that  cute little Icon for your blog posts.

Now,  My August Happiness Challenge for day 16

These came up!  I haven't seen them for several years because the tortoises just ate them back to the ground every year!  Once the crab grass covered them up to the point that the tortoises were afraid to walk out there, up came my dwarf Day Lilies.  So, I am very happy to see them today...

The grass mat is VERY thick, so the torts will not venture onto it.
Wolfie was staring at me the other day, begging to come flying over the arm of the chair and into my lap.  He was so cute that I got out the camera and took this rather unfortunate snap.  The pink reflection on the door frame is from a red afghan atop the loveseat that can't be seen.
I called him, and he came jumping across the arm of DH's Chair and onto my lap.
The jam from the experiment with Cactus Apples actually jelled enough to be nice for a topping for ice cream, and I have the snap to prove it. lol
This stuff is totally yummy!
I wish you all a wonderful weekend, with as many good things to do and to eat that can be put into it.  Happy Knitting!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..