"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday nite this and that.... Shelter Island, the HOT LID ON San Diego, Sky shots etc

Sorry to be so silent.  I don't handle heat very well at all.

Lord is it ever hot here, and humid.  It was 103 degrees on Wednesday coming up out of the valley from my sister's house, and so DH and I packed up and went to the bay yesterday, too.  At our house it was 101.  

So, since Sunday morning,  we've spent four days at the beach to escape the brutal inland temperatures.  We almost never had more than a day or two of this weather except for last year and this year.  We've been served up on a hot frying pan to the Master Creators of Global Climate Change!

The normal marine layer is still out to SEA somewhere- over Catalina or Hawaii maybe????  The little dog is very happy to go, too.  He was wilting!

Here's some Sky Show snaps from the Labor Day Weekend, and parts of this week as well.   This one is from Sunday.

These pelicans flew in to see what the returning half day boats
would scare up for them.
Don't they look like bookends?
Monday we went down to the bay even earlier, and everyone was there, a quarter of San Diego I think.  We didn't want to brave PLSF again so went to Subway to buy sandwiches.  Some of their fare is mighty tasty, and we were please with our food.  Also, it was 10 degrees cooler by then than it was at home.  We missed the 95 degree day (Sunday), as the chop sandwich maker told me.   I didn't tell her we'd been there Sunday, too. 

This is a monster storm that does nothing but keep a steamy lid on us all.

This tiny rainbow appeared in the distance.

Out toward the end of Point Loma

And a Glorious Sunset over the Point to the West.
Since the system has hung around for so many days, I've got some really beautiful sky photos to share.  But that's enough for today.  I want to go watch some Frasier before bedtime.    Make all the pictures as big as you can. 

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..