"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hi Everyone.  I'm back and still trying to NOT catch a cold- 

Well, this is a day later.  And, "Ooops", the cold caught me.  We went to the Freezing North and the weather was Arctic!  This means, for SoCalians, that it got down to 49°F at night.    But we "camped out" in the spooky trees in the mountains, and that, for me, is as close to heaven on earth as it gets.  I love the crooked trees in Henry Cowles.  I also saw a life bird for me, the very first Townsend's Warbler - actually there were several in a little flock. 

I read five books, NONE of them was Non Fiction, flaming retorical masterpieces.  One DD said, "Mother, what are you saying?  You have to be the flaming liberal that you are!" or words to that affect.  
Knitting got it in the neck.   I did NO knitting despite wanted to have finished at least one sweater.  That's ok.  We did an awful lot of visiting with the DDs, and that was the main thing  we went North to do. 

One day we all trekked to a new store in their town, to look at new Sergers and maybe - I really think this will happen - Bee will be making her own T-shirts PDQ.  She will do it with a regular machine for now.   Sergers aren't totally necessary but they are nice.  Actually, they are Darn Nice!  

We saw the BabyLock combo of serger/coverstitcher, and I would get that one if I didn't already own a coverstitcher and a serger.  Though my two are ancient, I still love them.   Juki made them as Berninas.   The serger is a tiny witch to thread but once done, it sews perfectly.  It has the feature called D so that it can sew ruffle on one side and flat on the other.  Way cool!

I forget where I stole that, but it's probably the Discovery Edu channel.

My cold is just like any other cold at this time of year.  Several people have it, my doctor's receptionist had it.   'Tis the Season!  Now to get better in time to get a flu shot.  Yay!  Flu! 

I promise that there will be much more "show and tell" once the old head, eyes, throat, and ears stop making me wish I didn't have a head.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..