"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday was a busy day. Ceramic Rant! Whew!

A bit of the doggie part I usually do on Tuesday.  Wolfie would approve.  He's been doing well, and I think that he's getting very vocal and clingy when the pack is separated.  I'm trying to figure out why but then, we've had him for three years now.  Unbelievable but true!  We really love this little Rapscallion! 

I love this cartoon.  This one I love especially because Opal is knitting, and she is
being very kind to the dog.  Last week, he tried to prrr like the cat, and ended up growling.  Poor little fellow!

Ceramics report rant:  Redacted.. And I have to say that I must learn to edit my rants much more closely!

We are getting our kiln room back into spiffiness due, in part, to a new manager, two of them in fact.   They have done the major portion of cleaning out several years of being dumped on by she who cannot be named .

 There is a new director at the Rec Center, and thank heaven for it because we got back our kiln room and shelving!  Soooooooooo, happily,  today I moved onto new, lower shelves, for the sake of my back and shortness, and we moved molds onto my old ones.

I must tell you that we have been at the center for about 25 years, and through thick and thin, we met up and did our craft.   When a new director (manager) came a few years ago, she stormed through like a whirlwind and pitched us off half of our space and put an enormous television (and it's caddy) right up against the kilns.   I am speaking of a TV that was at least 50 inches big, right next to our kilns and then knocked them askew from their stands.  We had to horse them back onto the stands, straighten up the rings, and she did it again.  She eventually ended up by shoving the kilns so close to the wall that we couldn't get between or around them to plug them in.    She also filled the whole table, that is supposed to be for green ware and pouring small molds, with detritus, some of which stayed in place for years.  One such item being a white dress shirt which just got progressively dirtier.

I'm so glad we have a new person there now.  Things have never seemed so calm and clean since forever.  Thank you to the Kiln Gods!   We are not the only rec center to have kilns but we have taken a lot of focused abuse at our center.  I hope that we've seen the end of it. 

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..