"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Not so Wordless Wednesday....Book: Following Atticus by Tom Ryan, and a Sky Watcher post

Mr. Z tore through this book at an amazing speed.  I started reading it this morning and already got to page 31.  It's thoroughly gripping.  This one will not be leaving our library.  I have to leave it to go to my sister's but I'm wondering if she would mind if I read it while there.  Yeah.  Probably. lol

I have to dash off to my sister's now but wanted to share this book PDQ because, let's face it, "I've got mine."   I wanted to spread the word, as Sister Diana did to me, about this book.   Thank you, Diana!


We've been getting lots and LOTS of floating clouds but no rain.  We need the rain.  Today started out clear and sunny, and those teasing clouds came back around about 11:00 am.  *Sigh*  This is the Optum Building - it may have a different name amongst Architects - along 8.  The picture is from yesterday as I drove home from Ceramics.  I love the reflections.


  1. When you said "Optum" building, I read opium. Oops! Anyway, it's a brilliant picture, the way the clouds and reflections line up.

    1. Thanks about the photo. That building has caused accidents on sunny days when the sun is setting. It's Blinding!

  2. My bet is that it is closer to reality than you think. It's corporate for a health care provider. Just Teasing!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..