"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Five Minute Friday. Well. I wrote about Last, DMV- yay it's over.. Pink Sky at Night!

Five Minute Friday

I need to remember to go to HOME page on Lisa's page.  Duh!  Gals, I am soooo tired, what can I say?

"Last" is the word, only it wasn't.  It was supposed to be "Fly".  I could write a lot about fly in five minutes!  Shucks!  Be that as it may, I present you with:


Being the parents in a large family, you learned how to make things last.  The first thing that comes to mind is the Dollars passing through your hands.   This is going to be short because I'm mostly avoiding other definitions of this word.  Bear with me.

The last time I saw my mother she was visiting our house for a few weeks and at coffee one morning she wore a thrift store Chinese silk kimono in the morning light.  It was a bright iridescent orange and the memory of the morning sun reflecting off the embroideries and the silk is something that I can remember to this day.

Cars used to be built to last.  They also were so heavy that it was like crashing two tanks into each other, with some major differences.  Tanks would not cave each other in or wrap themselves around trees.

Since  there are only two minutes left on this I will say the last thing.  Today, I got 100% on my driver's test, met some lovely people at the DMV and got a smilie face on the receipt  from the agent who helped me.  She told me I could wave that in the air for all the teens in the room.  Sadly, many of them were failing the test today, for various reasons, but one young lad who had his entire family with him was grinning from ear to ear when he was told he passed!  And, his family cheered him and applauded, as did the rest of us!  Theater!  You just gotta love it!

That's the last second going!  Happiness is contagious!  Be sure to go give it to someone!

 I have to put the Pink sky picture up tomorrow because I'm too tired to mess with it tonight!   But it was just an amazing color.  I promise it for tomorrow....  Sweet Dreams!

Late night update....  This sky and the glow of it on everything was enchanting.  The color only lasted for four or so minutes, as the clouds moved out of position but it was like being inside the atmosphere of an Old Master's Painting.  

Looking straight up at the sky in the open

Through the angles of the eaves of the roof.
Good night!  I will go visiting tomorrow to see what everyone wrote about "Fly", and not "Last". 

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..