"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tuesday Tails - a cattail - Laplander film, Resolutions, yes/no?

 Just in time for the holiday, Yule that is, from Pina: The Legend of the Yule Cat   Iceland!  And, there are other links to follow more Yule stories.  Thank you, Pina. I love legends, especially when reading them for the first time.

For the last two years we have been watching a Lapland (Finnish) Santa legend called,  "A Christmas Story", on netflix.  It's really for kids but we love it ,too.  The fact that it was filmed in Lapland, and they used real reindeer, adds to it's charm.   We watched the extra bits, too, and those were fascinating.  This film starts out a little differently, but ends up making you feel good about how everything turns out.

Read about it HERE
I've also found another movie that I like to see at Christmas time.  It's a feel good chick flick.  I watch it with DH. Watch is what I do; what he gets to do is sleep through most of it which is OK with me because it's a cozy time, DH me and Wolfie dozing with DH.  I'm happy; he's Happy.

It's called, "The 12 Dates of Christmas", and though it seems to be a ripoff of the classic live-forever-stuck-in-one-day movie, "Groundhog Day", it's really not.  "12 Dates of Christmas" is a sweet, warm and upbeat rendition of that theme- meaning no Caustic Bill Murray character who has to learn to  grow UP already and be HUMAN for Jiminy Crimeny's sake!

Resolution making:

A quote from Musings of a Bookmammal's blog .... “When was the last thing time you did something for the first time?”  

I thought this year I wouldn't make any New Year's Resolutions.  This decision was based on the knowledge that  I've had a hard time keeping any resolutions I've made in past 8 years or so.   But maybe I'll do a few, especially if they challenge me to grow a little, like that quoted question does.

So, I will be posting a few closer to Year's end, but putting more thought into them.  Anything I plan to do, I must respect my arms and hands.  They cannot be ignored anymore.   They are the most important tools with which I make things, and making things is my perfect path to happiness and joy.  I mean I can't do anything like get my children  the respect they deserved from certain elders of the tribe.  There are so many of these "I can nots" that it gets thick around me, sort of  like fast setting cement while I'm sinking into a quagmire of grief and regret, or wishes that I'd been some sort of killer who really could kill with a look, like the woman in the song.  Pant Pant!

So, I'm making resolutions.  But after Christmas.  Tra La! 

Merry Christmas, Godfrey, and to all a good night!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..