"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Stealing, and sewing with a fat iron needle.

First, a word to a reader:

D, I am blushing, and of course, you are right.  The word "beauty" has many meanings.  How could I miss thinking of the multitude of meanings for it?  All these things in combination are what creates the Good, and the Hope, and the Joy without which Life would be barren.  You, my sister, have a beautiful soul!

Knitting update:  I sewed one sleeve in today, tomorrow I'll sew the next one, and start on the side seams which will probably be sewn up in the ladder method.  The yarn is a little weak, so doubling it seemed smart. When I reached the end of the strands, I put spit splices into them remembering to string on the needle before doing so, and carried on.  Not wanting to have highly stressed weak yarn near the end of any stretch, I intend to use shorter pieces and spit splice again.  That is, for the sleeves.  I'm going to pin it, this is the plan anyway, to my dress form and spritz it heavily to block the body.  The sleeves I may just block on the Sweater blocker.  At last!  That thing will get some use!

Wolfie's Eye- Update:  He sees his vet again on Monday.  His eye looks like it has a cataract in it, but we are hoping it's just the medicine taking action.  I'm going to start putting regular eye drops in his eyes three time a day a few minutes before we put in the antibiotic.  He's starting to open it a little bit wider and a little bit longer each day.  It is also not that fire engine red it was a few days ago!  Mon Dieu!  Our fingers are crossed on this one.  He is such a good little guy, so patient.

Now, for some fun:  Sunday Stealing!

Let's go!!!

Ask Me Meme

from "Just keep swimming." -Dorthy, Finding Nemo

1:What was the last argument you had about? 
My last argument was about whether to put eye drops into Wolfie's sore eye.  I've done it before when we first got him, having been advised to do so regularly by a sales associate at PetSmart who had three Shih Tzus.

2:How long is your longest relationship? 
My longest relationship, friendship, is with my friend in Turkey.  We have known each other since high school, and that would be since 1960.  I met DH in 1963.  :-)

  3:What is something not many people know about you? 
Something I'll never tell again.

 4:Two truths and a lie. Go.
I'm supposed to lie?
 I have impeccable English table manners.
 My father taught me French which I dared not NOT learn.
 I had the chance to run away and join the circus and be an animal trainer but they said I was too short.

  5:Do you believe in fate/destiny? 
I believe in Karma but with some exceptions.  I believe that we can, by our actions, change our fates.  We are not blindly led on by a preordained Template of life. I do believe that we are born with things to  work on.

  6:Where is somewhere you've always wanted to live? 
Central Coast.  And if not there, The Marquesas Islands.

 7:Has there ever been a song that made you cry? 
Songs make my cry all the time.  Music is beautiful.  Opera makes me cry.  Wagner makes me cry!

  8:Do you jump/scare easily? 
Oh yes! "Psycho* Dad insured that all his children had overly large fight or flight reactions.

9:Which birthday has been your favorite? 
 My last one.  I'm now "living on borrowed time" and like the sound of that sort of joke.  I have one foot in the grave and the other one on a banana peel.  lol!  

10:Have you ever been pulled over? Arrested?  

Pulled over, yes; arrested? No.  I did come Close during the 60's!  I haven't been protesting things since the police went Ballistic and sort of Nasty..

11:Have you ever been to a fortune teller?
No, but I've BEEN a fortune teller, for fun, at a grade school Renaissance Fair.  One of the other parents set up a neat little tent, I dressed up like a Gypsy and sat inside it with a Crystal Ball on a card table.  Another teacher had rigged that bit of foolery up from a Globe light fixture..  I wore my curly black wig, piles of bangles and necklaces, and a headscarf.   It was so much fun!  I wore false eyelashes and people said I looked just like a a doll.  It was fun until this tiny girl came in, and asked if I could see her little goat, which had been stolen.  That wasn't so much fun.  

12:What’s your favorite series of books? 
Of all time?  Probably the Ring Series, Hobbit, etc.  But a close second is The Laura Ingals Wilder Books.

  13:Who is someone that you think knows the most about you outside of family? 
Honestly?  People who read this blog know more about me than most of my family, well, in laws anyway.

  14:What is the weirdest thing you've eaten? 
I tasted calimari, those fried rubber bands.  The weirdest thing I ever ate was an EVERYTHING cake that my brother and I made one day when mother was gone at work.  We made it from scratch because I'd just learned how to do it.  It was sickening to eat, but smelled pretty good.  He my willing accomplice declared it tasted like HELL and smelt worse.  I asked him how he knew.  We were 11 and 6 at the time.
  15:List one of your quirks.
I hear and see dead people? 

16:State 1 bad habit of yours. 
I stay up too late answering meme questions?

17:Has a scary movie ever given you nightmares?
No.  My nightmares come from things that can actually occur.

18:When was the last time you got your hair done in a salon?
 When I was 15 and got an Accidental Afro.  My hair takes to curl easily, and the poor woman fried it.  Happily, hair grows out.

19:What was the last thing you did with your friends? 

Attended a funeral.

  20:What’s something that you like to do that others might see as weird? 
I like to dance in moonlight,or rather I did.  Now I'd probably trip and break a leg.
  21:What was the last trip you took? 
Central Coast and Santa Cruz, Baby!


  1. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

  2. I love what you said. And may it be so: All Glory to the Lord! Amen.

  3. My comment above is from: Matthew 5:16
    New Revised Standard Version (NRSVCE)
    16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

    It is referring to the previous comment I made that isn't showing up. You are too modest.

    1. Well, thank you, sister Diana. And I finally got over my inner battle and posted your nice comment about the many meanings of "beauty".

      This was meant as a knitting and Walk with Beauty blog but descended into the mangroves of Darkest Politics when the HUGE insults to intelligence arose in that arena. It was impossible to resist.

      Thanks again, and thank you,too, for the biblical quotes. I find the purity of faith expressed many places in the bible to be a great source of comfort. Having said that, I'll also say that what I'd like is a little Hellfire served up very publicly to the liars in PublicOoffice. It's the Madam DeFarge side of knitting, you know. ;o)

  4. I can relate about people who read my blog probably know more about me than my family. Whats funny is none of my family (outside of my husband and daughter) know I have a blog. I don't want them to either.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Cristy. And, I agree with you about it being a good thing to keep other than immediate family in the dark. heehee. I hope mine don't know about it.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..