"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Stealing: the fast dozen meme

Let's go!!!

The Fast Dozen Meme

From the archives at All Stace, All The Time

1. What is the last book that you passed on to someone else to read? PD James, Cover Her Face.

2. The one song you secretly or not so secretly want to sing at karaoke?  I've always longed to sing the Bernstein/Sondheim song, "America", from the opera, "West Side Story", with a male singer of course.

3. If you had to pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?  Ashaneo so my friends could call me Asha.

4. What do you wish your administrator or boss would notice?  na

5. What is your biggest pet peeve? The noisy chewing of gum, I mean, outside of lying politicians.

6. What holds you back in pursuing your biggest dream? Age and being too tired to build that life for myself.

7.Why do you think you are a lovable person?  This isn't a question someone can answer for themselves.  I'd ask DH but he's reading, and HIS pet peeve is to be interrupted when he's reading!

8. If every day had an extra hour in it, what would you do with it?  I would sit quietly and watch it get dark.   I love to watch the sun go down but it's rush,rush, rush!

9. The last song you turned up in your car or house was?  IZ singing "Kamalani"  I know this song and sing it with IZ.  It makes me less sad that he is gone.  Too bad it's this Video is cut off at the end.

10. What is a secret talent you may have?  I have no more secrets.  Well, I have one secret talent that only three others besides myself know of.

11. Your favorite thing to do outside when it's not too cold out in the winter?  I like to walk around and take pictures of the sky, trees and flowers.

12. How do you respond if someone asks you an inappropriate or nosy question?   The last time it happened, I told the man he was just about the rudest person to make it to 60 that I'd ever met.  He's still a friend but he doesn't say things like that to me anymore.


  1. Amen to what's holding you back from your dream. I'm not all that old (49) but I feel too old and tired to go for my dream of a small homestead out in the boonies. I'm afraid that at this point I'd discover I'm much too fond of my creature comforts.

    1. 49 is young but of course it's not 25. You are the age of my Eldest who would also like to have a small homestead somewhere. I can understand your feelings because I see her sadness at being where she is. Don't believe anyone who says, "It's never too late" unless they are saying, "It's never too late to have a happy childhood." That, my dear, is true!

  2. I remember how surprised to discover PD James was a woman. I know that is very sexist of me....but her Adam Daigliesh is such a well written male character I figured he was written from a male perspective. I love her writing.

    1. Isn't it amazing how well she fleshed out and gave a personality to her male character? I love her writing. Males have created women characters for years so it just took time, and a lot of gutsy women's lib, to get us to the brink of equality in many fields. George Elliot would be pleased!

  3. Thanks for the song, I love his voice. My grandmother hated gum chewing. It's stuck with me. I can chew it for a couple of minutes, but then I toss it. I keep hearing her voice "ladies don't chew gum!". LOL

    1. My pleasure. I really love to hear IZ's voice, and his Ukulele playing. Oh, Gum....My mother was anti gum chewing. But, I just don't like the Noisy gum chewing. Gah! After all, bubble gum is one of the pleasures of childhood!

  4. As a gum chewer, I'm sorry. I know it can be annoying, but I'm in it for getting food flavors out of my mouth and making my daily servings of water go down easier.

    1. No problem. It's only annoying if I can't escape it. DH chews it soooo loudly but he's getting better about it. Actually, gum chewing - if it has certain things in it - is good for teeth and dry mouth, so I grit my teeth and bear his chewing :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it. I like everything IZ recorded. He had the most wonderful voice.

  6. I hate the noisy chewing of ANYTHING!

  7. That is a great response to an inappropriate question!

    1. Thank you! He can really be a jerk. If he goes off his meds, he is hard for his wife to put up with! hehe OCD.

  8. You gotta wonder how much worse these politicians can get these days.

    1. I agree with you. I think we've been going down hill since George Washington gave the original warning, let alone the one that Eisenhower left us with.

  9. Ah, it's been a long time since I've heard that song. It brought back a lot of memories. Thanks!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..