"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Time for Saturday 9ers.

As Time Goes By

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: As Time Goes By

1) This is the theme song of Casablanca, generally acknowledged as one the screen's great love stories. In honor of Valentine's Day weekend, what's your favorite movie romance?   "Princess Bride"

2) Even though he was only 5'8 and had a receding hairline, Humphrey Bogart was a popular leading man. What movie or TV actor or actress makes your heart skip a beat?  Current favorite being the same age as myself, we are over the hill for heart beat skipping.  But George Clooney would turn my head.

3) Sweethearts are those little heart-shaped candies that are printed with messages like, "Be Mine" and "Kiss Me." Do you like how they taste?  Cute and adorable, and ageless though they may be, they aren't worth eating.

4) Valentine's Day is a big day for florists. When is the last time a floral arrangement adorned your table or desk?  Real Flowers would have been when the roses were blooming in the Fall. 

5) Do you think an e-card means as much as a conventional card in an envelope?  Every bit as much.  Sorry Hallmark, you cheapened the cards and raised the prices.  Besides now I can put my own flower pictures into e cards.  

6) Despite what you see on Valentines, the human heart isn't bright red. It's really a brownish shade of red, like a brick. Now it's your turn. Share some trivia that's been rattling around in your head. (It does have to be about Valentines or the human heart. It can be any random fact at all.)  EDIT: Wow, I missed the boat on this...Right, blood is bright red if it's oxygenated.  Not the heart.

Here's my factoid.   As per instructions as I interpret them, it's not, per se, about Valentine's nor is it about the human heart.   But it does come down to causes of heart disease.  It is this:  "Raw milk products are not deadly, in fact what is deadly is the crap food that's on 70% of the shelving in supermarkets."

7) When is the last time you thought your heart would break?  That would be when  Jazzie died in my arms.  It was nearly as hard to endure as when my mother died suddenly.

8) What is the most recent thing to lift your heart?  I'd have to say that a random act of well wishing today put a face on big Pharma that was utterly charming and gracious, and unexpected.  Next time I'm totally PO'd at them for the harm they do, I will remember the face of an Angel, handing me a Tootsie pop and wishing me happiness.

9) Who is the most "hard hearted" person you know? Do I have to know them personally?  Do African dictators qualify?  Ashcroft?  Dick Cheney?  I'm in the process of learning to love an unnamed woman now that she can't hurt others that I love anymore.  She's a cold, calculating sociopath.   I'm not about to name her.

Come on folks.  Your turn.  Come join in the fun!


  1. I'm so sorry about #7. But you should be proud that you have such a capacity for compassion and love.

    I LOVE Princess Bride! As Miracle Max would say, "True love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT – mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich …" Have you ever read the book by William Goldman? It's funny, too with a subplot about Hollywood.

    (Thinking of books: From p. 26 of the textbook Biology by Anne and Patrick Fullick: "The human heart is a bag of reddish brown muscle ...")

  2. Thank you for your compassionate understanding and kind words re: #7.

    And, actually I didn't know a real book existed. Thank you for bringing that up. Now it's a must read. The grandfather reading to his grandchild was one of the most charming parts of the whole film. About the heart thing, I've seen too many episodes of Grey's Anatomy. *blushes*. Not what could be called the "real deal", that.

  3. I have to put "Princess Bride" on my reading list. :)

    1. You won't be disappointed. Love Story, but different a little bit. Lots of Swashbuckling in it. too. :o)

  4. I believe you with #6 - with the crap on the shelves. Sigh.. Your #9 scares me, I hope she's not bothering anyone any more. And :( Jazzie. It's heartbreaking to lose anyone that you care about, pets included.

    1. Our food industry is a crying shame. #9 scares me, too. She is capable of just about anything. I go along because this thing is so over. She can't touch my kids anymore. I'm a stone heart myself towards her, underneath it all.

      Thank you for understanding about Jazzie. He seemed like a spoiled little poodle but not to those who knew him well. He was a little Brave Heart, and no sweeter heart ever beat.

  5. Aww, I'm sorry about Jazzie (and mom). I know how painful that is. :(

    Random acts are so nice. I wish they were more frequent. Would it still be considered random, though? hmm.

    I've never seen the Princess Bride, although it's been recommended to me so I get pop culture references. It's just one of those I missed!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, lia. I'm sorry that you have to know how painful these things are, too. You are so young.
      The tootsie pop. I still think it was pretty random and spontaneous. She was going to her car, next to mine, and probably was going to "lunch" on the pop while she drove to another client. She saw my window open, and she just leaned down and held out the pop for me to see. When I looked up, she said, "Happy Valentine's day!" After I responded in kind, she said, "Enjoy it, and now you have something nice to do while you wait in the car." I won't be forgetting this very soon. It's something that can replay endlessly when a person needs a little happiness.

    2. Oh yes, and you should watch Princess Bride. You will be hooked when the grandfather sits down to read to his grandson. Their opening dialog about what the book is about is so great!

  6. Don't even get me started on Cheney..............................................................................................................

  7. Dick Cheney wins. Thanks for your kind words...

  8. Sociopaths can be hard people to know and love. I worry a lot about our food supply; I am about 99 percent certain that most, if not all, of my health issues come from there. My mother believed that as long as we weren't hungry we were fed and proper nutrition didn't enter into at all. She was just as apt to give us a Pop Tart as a bolgna sandwich, and veggies - well, what were those? She just didn't know better, and I've had a difficult time catching up and figuring it out as an adult. It took me a long time to catch on that this was a problem.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..