I know how lucky my family is to be able to take care of medical issues, heat their houses and eat everyday. It was a very good day.
My sister is recovering pretty well from the surgery, and was happier yesterday than she's been in a long time. We laughed about things like rude Easter rabbits she could put on small hanging ornaments that carried a basket and gave you the bird with the other if you espied out of the corner of your eye, sort of like shifting pictures made of layers of hair gel and glitter. Silly stuff. It hasn't been silly stuff for a heck of a long time.
Last night we got a little rain. Tonight there is a promise of more. What would be better than that - other than a full snow pack in the Sierras, and Lake Mead suddenly full again? We will be on water restriction for the remainder of the year. I'm grateful that there are some who will care enough about others to conserve. They outnumber that 1% who will play "I'll get mine because my Good looking Daddy is rich and owns the city council", like many times before. That situation can't be helped as those sorts of people feel entitled to anything they feel a need for even if it belongs to someone else. Like those who banned Bolivians from collecting rain water, in barrels, from their own roofs.
I got my annual check up at the dentist, and was happy to see him and all his staff. Terrific Office and Dentist!
My mouth healed up enough to make the visit possible- after it had playing mind games with me for several months, sending me into fits of brushing with old fashioned baking soda which seemed to help a lot, then switching back to Biotene- yes, I am happy with this very mild dry-mouth style toothpaste which kept the healing vibes going.
The sweater is getting sewn together. I have no proof but it's happening. I need to have it done by May, when we watch our daughter graduate from UC Berkeley. 7 years of night classes at a junior college, and winning several scholarships, plus a scholarship to Berkeley - all this while fighting the effects of Hep C. and the virtual chemo doing so entails. I knew she had it in her. Bless her heart!
I am thankful to God for helping his (and my) child overcome draconian disease and to follow her dreams.
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..