"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy Green Beer Day, or Scared all the Snakes out of Ireland Day, or....

Happy St. Patrick's Day... Monday..

"The Unicorn" was selected because Monday is St. Patrick's Day. Unfamiliar with this week's song?
Hear it  here.

1) This song was recorded by The Irish Rovers. While it's said that on St. Patrick's Day everyone is Irish, can you honestly claim Irish heritage?  Yes, my grandmother was Irish, Scot, and Welsh.  Our daughters are more Irish because of their own grandma who is half Irish.  So, we've got a lot of Irish going on in this family. ;o)

2) According to the 2000 Census, Massachusetts is the state with the largest percentage of residents of Irish descent. Have you ever been to The Bay State?  Sadly, no.  I've never been as far east as the Atlantic coast, or any New England states.  So, that is the Bay State.  It was on a Cross word puzzle today!  I couldn't get that answer until now.  Thank you!

Vintage Calvin and Hobbs- so cute!

3) Other than St. Patrick, what is Ireland famous for?  It should be famous for it's music, and the way that music influenced whole generations of singers and musicians for eons.  I'm not sure what else besides fine Irish linens.  They used to be the Hallmark of quality goods at one time.

4) St. Patrick's Day is celebrated the world over. They even watch marching bands and wave Irish flags on St. Patrick's Day in Moscow. Does your town have a St. Patrick's Day parade?   I'm sure they do.  There are several pubs downtown which will be serving green beer at least.  I'm not sure there are a lot of Irish here, but DH did play soccer with a few of them that are.  Moscow?  No kidding, who would have thunk it?!!

5) "The wearing o' the green" is one way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Will you wear something green in honor of the day?  I certainly will be.  Green is my most favorite color but not because of St. Patrick or Ireland.  It's because I love plants!

6) Have you ever had green beer?  No, and it doesn't look that good to me. Dh has had it at the local McDini's Pub.

I'm told they dye the Chicago river green, or part of it, and have a parade in that city.  I don't think they'd get away with it here though.  lol  Although they might.  You never know, as they can blame it on Leprechauns.  HERE is how to catch one, according to a journalist and his 10 year old son.

7) Have you ever ordered a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's?  I usually don't get ANYTHING from McDonald's but especially not if it's something that shouldn't BE green.

8) A four-leaf clover is considered good luck. Do you have a lucky charm?  I have a turquoise bear figurine but it's broken, and I haven't replaced it.  I wonder if glued together ones work as well, magically speaking?  hmm?

9) Speaking of Lucky Charms, they are magically delicious.  What brand of cereal is in your kitchen right now?  I wouldn't touch Lucky Charm cereal with a ten foot pole.  Eww!  So much Corn syrup!!  Anyway, I like Organic "O"s from Trader Joe's.. that's for summer,  Winter cereal is hot oatmeal with cinnamon, cranberries, and a little brown sugar, or conversely, with only salt, pepper and fake butter.  I can even eat oatmeal plain in a pinch.  How is that for the Irish in me?

Don't drink too much green Beer or the road may rise up to meet
your face.  Something's wrong with this Irish Blessing.  Darn how does that go?
Bedtime!  I don't have time to Google that...Nighty night!  See y'all soon!


  1. Replies
    1. And they made beautiful, crocheted lace. I have a few of my grandmother's table cloths, though not the lace ones. My DD, Elle, inherited this ability.

  2. Shamrock Shakes are mint flavored, and a lot of mint things are green....:)

    1. Hi Teresa, and, yes, they are usually mint. I love mint. :o) Thank you for clueing me in on this!

  3. oooh linens! And the Shamrock Shakes are fab with Oreo's mixed in. Just sayin'... Now I want oatmeal for breakfast :)

    1. Mmmmmm! Oreo cookies...maybe they come in mint now, too. I seem to remember this. ??? Oh, eat more oats! It's good for you! hehe

  4. hahaha i love that calvin & hobbes comic! i also love the new font here.

    and mmm the way you described the oatmeal. i think i want some now! haha! i always eat it plain, though. gosh the things you add to it make it sound so much more yummier!

    1. Lol, Calvin and Hobbes is so cute, glad you liked it, and the new font though I was worried it would be tiresome. Oh, do try oatmeal that way. It's very tasty. Cinnamon is good for the heart, too.

    2. I didn't know that about cinnamon! Well, I shall be using it more. Thanks for telling me about that! :)

  5. I eat oatmeal plain most of the time. I like it that way.

    1. Hi there. Hope you are more mobile soon. hugs! Oatmeal is one of the best all round foods. If I do eat it plain, I prefer it cold. Odd, I know. It's sort of like an un-sweet, lumpy pudding. I think this is the Scotswoman in me. hehe

  6. I miss Trader Joes. My grandson tried to catch a leprechaun last year.

    1. Hi BC. Trader Joe's is wonderful isn't it? What I also want is a neighborhood Whole Foods or Jimbos since a regular supermarket bought out our organic Green store years ago. Oh Leprechauns are so hard to catch. That's adorable!

  7. I just saw something on the news this morning about the Chicago river going green today

    1. Hi Harriet, thanks for the alert! I am going to go see that, asap. This little yearly river celebration must make the food dye people pretty happy! ;o)

  8. Love the Calvin & Hobbs! I have a couple of Irish wool sweaters that have lasted since 1987. I try to take good care of them, but they've lasted.

    1. Hi Kwizgiver. C&H are so cute, glad you liked it. About wools: Oh yes! You're right! I forgot the Irish woolens, both the yarns and the wovens. They are very fine. a friend who visited there years ago gave me several yards of Irish weave for a coat; I've yet to make it. So, I store wools in the freezer from time to time, to kill anything on it. 3 weeks in, and repeat, after a few days out, to kill any remnant grubs. So far, so good.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..