"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday- doctors, ceramics, tort report, bird report, Sis

Today is Thankful Thursday, and I'm thankful for being able to see doctors when I need to.  Hallyloolie!

But, I'm not thankful for the new stat patch that gives me a roaring headache most times of the day until it wears off.  Happily I wear it at night, mostly, and it only gives me nightmares:  two nights ago there was one with some fairly nice man in a baseball cap who was trying (very kindly) to boss me around.  Since Mr. Z never wears such a cap, nor does he try to boss me around,  this Knight-mare male was a surprise!  He was trying to get me to tell him something, and I remember not wanting to tell him.  Maybe it's too many Cop shows on Netflix?

Ceramics:  We haven't gotten the kilns fixed but we will at some point.   But I did get this ready to fire:

Puff Santa with Friends

The backside
We had fun on Tuesday.  I helped my friend paint the edges of her flowers, we talked about a few things but mostly we sat and painted our pieces.  It was amazingly peaceful.  I still miss my buddy Bob O, but I'll keep trying to entice him to come back and paint some wonderful flowerpots!  They don't have faces and they don't have clothing, boots or hats!  That's what I'll be making next.  Flowerpots, lots and lots of flowerpots!  And, I'll be making one more birdhouse tree to replace the one I knocked over and broke when my wonky leg hit the table's leg.  I was so sick about it and upset that I wanted to quit for good!  After awhile, I relented.

This is the only picture of that darling little tree that I could find:

Nice piece but sold already
 The photo is by way of THIS EBAY seller - who may have  found it at a garage sale or Thrift store.   This tree is painted with acrylic paints, which is a perfectly legitimate thing, but just not as nice as a glazed piece.  You can make the picture  extra BIG for detail. 

 The Tort Report:

Churchie in Back, Poko in foreground

Lucky on the left, Churchie on the right.

Churchie, Poko Ono, and Lucky are out of hibernation.  Churchie lost a half a pound, Poko  lost 7 ounces, and Lucky - their oldest baby of 24years or so - lost a pound and an ounce.  They need some serious fattening up!  First they get a warm water soak for awhile.  That helps everything get going for them.  Then they can feast on all the lovely winter weeds.

Bird Report:  A new baby Scrub Jay is singing in the bottle brush.  It always amazes me how sweet they sound when they entertain themselves between feedings by the parents.  They sound like a songbird but very subdued.  Every once in awhile they will break out with a harsh sound, which is what their adult voice is like.  Yes, like male human children, the scrubbies do have a voice change.

We have had a few little flocks of Chipping Sparrows in the weed patch the last week.  Since we live within three miles of the biggest urban park in the country, most birds don't have to look far for suitable feeding areas within that park.  A few will still drop in for a snack, though.  I love birds.

My sister and I had an interesting visit.  We went down memory lane a bit.  She was running out of things to do, and I am going to be taking things that I have just sitting around here down to her.  She will be able to occupy that urge she has to be Artsy Crafty.    She can't walk well, and sometimes has to lie down for hour after hour, but she is still amazing to me in what she can do when her energy comes back in those little spurts.

She is now in possession of a few pin kits that had been boxed up and ignored since a place called H&H was still in business.  I miss H&H.  It was WAY better than Michaels.  I miss Lee Wards, too.  There was also San Diego Floral that had EVERYTHING for making floral arrangements, and of course, there was B&B, similar to H&H but you could get Tree trunks there, for Heaven's sake!  That's what happens when local businesses get pushed out.  Anyway, we mourn the loss. 

Well, that's all folks!  I'll do  the three Weekend Meme's but might not get back during the week.  I'm having an interesting time getting used to all my new "stuff".    The cardiologist said today that, over time,  with adjusting and tinkering, this thing will be put under control.  It's just that in the meantime, I can expect more of these episodes.

Isn't that just screaming, great fun to know???!!   Ooooooo!  I just can't wait!

From Jamie's Blog.  Check him Out!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..