"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Five Minute Friday and Friday5, bonus questions too. sock progress

Let's get the knitting over with first:  Wednesday was a sort of messed up day.  I was higher than a kite because we were going to visit my sister, and Mr. Z was "at the plate" to try to load Windows7 on BIL computer.  BIL was at work clear the heck to the Mexican Border yesterday and though I trusted Mr. Z to deal with anything computer-wise, I had the feeling that it wasn't going to go right.  BIL is not truly computer savvy.  So, I picked up my knitting, and almost immediately BOTCHED THE BEEJEEBERS out of it. Now that put me practically all the way up my tree, I set the knitting aside and let it cool off.

So, I picked it all out yesterday, and now it is ok.  OK, sort of; as I studied it, noticed a tiny waggle in some rows done back a year ago when I was certifiably brainless.  Well, with an ongoing infection for a year, my brain was a little swollen, I must say, to excuse myself from any latent criticism that might be floating around the blogesphere.

So, without any further delay, here is Five Minute Friday:

Click the Pic and come join the fun!

Five Minute Friday

This Week's Word is:  Friend

I'm lucky to have them - friends.  I've lived in this city for nearly a half century, I'm a progressive liberal, and friendships are hard to come by.  I'm always the one compelled to watch my words.  The true friends I do have mostly don't live here.  By true I mean ones who accept you and don't try to brainwash or bully you.  Those are just the facts of life for me.  I have one friend who is life long.  She lives in Turkey.  We used to, before so much censorship and lack of freedom befell the world, trade a lot of political satire.  Then things got not so funny anymore.   I do have beaucoup online friends, for whom I am very grateful, and whom I care a lot about.  And, somehow, that is enough at my age.

Friends, I just can't think of anything else, sorry to be negative but there you are.  Without this blog and people I've met through it, I really wouldn't have any friends.


Link to the Mother Ship

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

1. Those silly TV programs showcasing supposedly funny videos often feature unexpected blows to someone’s Man Zone (you know, crotch shots). How amusing do you find these videos?  If it doesn't happen for real, it's funny.  If it actually does happen to some poor sod, well, it's not.

2. Athletes today often talk about being “in the zone,” attaining that state of mind where everything is both automatic and excellent. When did you last find yourself in the zone?  In the hospital.  I can put myself into a trance and seem like I'm asleep but I'm not.  That scares people or makes them think I'm lying about NEVER BEING ABLE TO SLEEP IN A #@*!;#$ hospital.

3. What time zone do you live in, and is there anything especially good or bad about it?  I like living in the Pac Zone.  The whole West Coast is in it, so there's no remembering when to call someone in the Family.  Of course, my DD was once going to try out New Hampshire in the dead of winter, and did go to Phili to live for a bit, as did her sisters.  But they all missed the California Sun.  I would like to call some of my friends who live half way around the world, as it would be fun to call into the future, or back into the past.  Is that too Star Trekkie?

4. In the Star Trek universe, a neutral zone is an area between claimed territories in space where bordering governments agree not to tread (else war is declared). Where in your personal or professional life are the neutral zones?  I don't like to be interrupted when I'm counting my knitting stitches.  

5. Where can you get a really good calzone?*  Well my dear,  you make it at home.  You just practice making the bread dough. Calzone are the Italian equivalent of an South American Empanada or a Cornish Pasty, or even an American turnover.   Yummy stuff!  Little tasty pies!


1.What did you dissect in high school.  I took Physical Science and we didn't dissect anything once living.

2.If you’re a neat person, what’s something you’re messy about? If you’re a messy person, what’s something you’re neat about?  I'm usually very tidy and organized but then I got sick in my 50's.  Still trying to run a business and keep up when I couldn't made me messy.  I'd say getting sick made me messy.

3.What did you like best about high school geometry (the subject, not the teacher, classmates, or whatever)?
I liked Everything about high school geometry.  It was the first time I felt in control of a MATH!  I got A+ in both semesters.  The thing just made perfect, logical sense to me.

4.What item at a salad bar gets you the most excited? Pickled Beets!  Yumm!

5.Do some brands of bottled water taste better than others?  The naturally carbonated ones taste better to me.  Sorry, it's been a long time since I've had any, so don't remember the brand only the shapely green bottles.  Or were they blue??

6.If you could be employed in one of the technical jobs in film-making, what would you choose?  CAD or, Wordrobe.

7.Which character from The Wizard of Oz do you best relate to?  Toto, the uncomplaining, completely loyal and sweet little fellow who was always by Dorothy's side. 

8.What animal have you seen in the wild that most people see only in books, in other visual media, or in zoos?  Pikas and Bobcats and Lots and Lots of Birds.

9.What’s the greatest height you’ve looked down from?  The Rocky Rim of a ledge at Grand Canyon.  We went out to watch a group of College students who were counting raptors passing through the canyon lands.

UPDATE on the Knitting:  it is coming along.  Right now the leg looks like a little model of Nuclear Reactor when standing up on the needles.  When I get to the heel, I'm going to have a Margarita!

Picture Source


  1. Hi. I've come from Lisa-Jo's for a quick visit. I feel a bit sad that you don't have as many real life friends as you would like. I also feel sad that people feel they can't be friends if they don't agree on everything. I hope that will change for you and am thankful for the on-line friends you have.

    1. Thank you Linda. This world would be full of friendship if, as you say, people would look to their shared Human condition, for one, and realize that friends can be different and still share so many things in life. There was a time that I had great friends, and we had good times together, but we left politics and religion by the door. That's not as true now.

  2. I love how you talked about making friends from our blogs. It's where I've met some of the greatest women I can now call friend!

    1. Hi Andee, isn't blogging wonderful. I've loved being able to read mostly other women's blogs about their lives, how they solved problems, what they do in the spare time, what they cook, make, favorite spurs to Faith. It's a beautiful world when women and men all over the world can share these things. And yes, we do feel that we are friends, just exactly as God meant us to feel. Blessings.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..