"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A different sort of Thankful Thursday: Like Thanksgiving Thursday? Be Warned: This Video is not for the squeamish

Well, this whole thing already posted to Google 1 so I may as well put it up here, too.  I have no idea why, either.  Google1 is Nuts!  Talk about Beauty and the Beast all in one day!

Sorry, I am not kidding about this being awful to watch.  This comes with my highest TOXICITY warning for Blech, OMG! and some other stronger words of disbelief.  But, I can't just sit by, silently, while this goes on for ONE MORE DAY!

I'm angry with the meat industry for their cruelty.  I am Thankful that there are people willing to risk limbs, or even their lives to expose the sort of cruelty that is, unfortunately, too common in the Big Meat Industry. This post is also for all the tiny rooster chicks who died, in their millions, suffocated in black plastic bags for the Egg Industry.

I've put up what is a terrible video but we deserve, as a people, to know what corporations are doing behind our backs, this while they woo our grocery dollars with Norman Rockwell like scenes.  We can support these actions, if we feel it's appropriate, but if we don't we should be able to say so.  I've said so.

I've made it a bit easier to tell Butterball what you think about the atrocious things they are doing.  There is a petition you can sign HERE to tell them you want them to change their business "habits".   Also, I'm sure they are not the only ones who do this.

That link above goes to the campaign mounted by an organization called Change.Org, and they want your name and address.   This will put off many people, and frankly I don't know why they want more than an email address, but it might be to protect themselves from some sort of media attack.

Maybe I said this before, but infamous Tyson (The Meat Racket) and others wanted to try to kill a bill before Congress that makes it possible for us to know the "Country of Source" of our meats.  This action arose shortly after Smithfield sold off it's entire  hog raising business to a Chinese conglomerate (New York Times Article HERE).  They, meaning the inbred industry, now do not want us to know where the meat that is in our children's lunches, and that we put on the table, originates.  Why could that be?

We have the power to make them change, using our Dollars.  Let's do it for the sake of our Children and our Children's children, as well as for the reduction of the massive cruelty in our meat loving food chain.  

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..