"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Belong.. The Prompt word for this week's Five Minute Friday.

If you want to join in you need to go to a new page this week.  It is HERE, a host for a few weeks.


Outside of my own little family of growing children and their daddy, I was one of those people who fit in anywhere but never really felt like I belonged.  It was a natural reserve I had because of not being able to trust anyone, or any situation, to end well.  This lasted until I was well into my 50's.  Then I met the Rockhounds.

The Rockhounds were truly like one very big family, sort of like Firemen and Policemen have.  The Majority of the hounds were a couple decades older than Mr. Z or I, and they took us under their wings because we were, after all, the same age as their own children.   Our club finally folded around the year 2000.  I still miss this now that I'm old enough to not be so spry.  It was a place where I really felt like I  belonged, and then it was over.  It lasted 15 or so years.

Now I feel that I really do belong to a Spiritual community, not a church but a much bigger community.  The all knowing and ever present Spirit of a Loving Creator who never stops caring about us.  I don't characterize this entity in any other way than as a Loving and protective Presence.



  1. I like your characterization of a Loving and Protective Presence. Sorry to read the Rockhounds folded. What was it? Have a blessed day and weekend. . .

    1. Trying again and this time proof reading it all! This window is much too small!

      Thank you AG. I hope this weekend is going well for you, too.

      About the Rockhounds: we first lost our meeting place, which was part of the same property that the shop was on, so we had to vacate the shop, too. The property was sold but the company that sponsored many clubs because they were closing operations in California. It was a ploy to get rid of the Unions, because they came right back and started producing war material again. This time, no unions. But I digress.

      They did help us move to another place that was a trailer in the back of beyond. It was a little harder to get to, but still pretty active on the whole. Then that property was sold as well, and we started having trouble doing much as a club after that.

      So, we meet twice a year for old time's sake, both summer and at Christmas time. I think the rockhounds were one of the best groups of people I've had the pleasure to know. They all were Crafters of beautiful things, and taught me a lot about how to turn raw minerals and rocks in to jewelry. Mineralogy and Silvermithing I learned in College but the art of locating and digging up workable materials we learned from the Rock hounds. These invaluable arts are still wandering around with me, as I look at the ground for some interesting cobble wherever we go.

  2. ooh... I felt the same way (still do) for many many years. Like I never quite fit. Isn't God good though?

    Ah! you need a name/url option! :) This is truly me: (http://anetintimeschooling.weebly.com/a-net-in-time-blog)

    1. Annette, God is, indeed, Good. Jesus Himself made that observation when some one called Him Good. It's something I ponder a lot, what He said then. I'm going to go look at your blog. Usually over the week I try to get a look at all the FMF peep's posts. Have a lovely weekend!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..