"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, January 9, 2015


This is our place for the Friday writer's Flash Mob.  If you would like to join-up, go to Kate's blog for all the particulars, and meet the others in the group through their Linkies.  This is very fun, and makes you write a lot more "in the moment" than you night first imagine because your muse just cannot keep up!  Stream of consciousness writing comes the closest to this method of smoothing out the kinks in creative writing.  Have a go?  Look for Kate's button in the sidebar.

Prompt word is the very wonderful Word:  Welcome.

The first sign of welcome, to me is a smile.  That smile says "I feel safe with you here, and you may stop and talk to me, here I'll make a space for you on the grass/bench, whatever.  Yes it's a little crowded today, but sit down and I'll move my things so that we can share this space properly.  What is your name?  These are my kids and we just got some cookies from the bakery, here have one.  Did you have a good day?  We come to the park every once in awhile, its a very good place in Spring and Summer.   Oh, I see that we are taking classes at the same college but you are new here perhaps?

 Welcome means meeting the humanity of someone else and making them feel safe with your own.  You may not spend a lot of time but you really meet them, you welcome them into your space, and make them feel wanted and at home without really overwhelming them at the same time.    You know that you've met a brother or a sister.  You feel it in your heart.  Being welcomed in this way opens up doors inside of a person that they not have known they even had inside.  It takes a lot of the pain of living out of human encounters, and makes the world a much happier place.



  1. Hi zippiknits,

    Coming from FMF. I restarted with this year's first FMF prompt, but wrote a very short post on today's prompt.

    Yes, welcome is certainly a nice word and it's inside us that we can welcome someone and they can also feel welcomed. Isn't the smile, a sign of welcome? Yes?

    Nice post on welcome, and I hope to come back again.

  2. Hey there, Raspal. I tried to answer you yesterday but the netbook kept hiccoughing!
    I hope you will stay with FMF. It's a lovely way to practice spontaneous writing, or stream of thought writing.

    I agree, a smile if the first sign of welcome! Very true!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..