"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, March 21, 2016

knitting,the Manly Beastly, a new hat,tortoise spring, and the Coquihalla Highway

Life has striven to shred my family's happiness forever.  Those of you who have been through this know first hand how it leaves you trying to find something to get through a day, and hour. a minute with, and this is what I'm cobbling together.  Also weeding the hectare, helps.  We've bought three new buddleia.  All five torts are all out now what with Easter Coming in a week.

This delicious little hat caught my eye when I was looking for a reprint for the GarnStudio sweater pattern that's below here.  HERE is the hat pattern, a little tricky but cute slouch hat with knitted dominoes ( diamonds- sort of) I snagged some of the purple/aqua blend for it,  If the first one goes well, I'll make a pink and purple blend of Drops Delight into another one..

I've reprinted the pattern for the Manly- Beastly Fisherman's knit -, my name for it because I was way over my head on this one and was having a beastly time of it, I have the front and back above the sleeve insets to do, and both sleeves, and the ribbing for the neck.  And "YAY" it was still on their webpage.  I had butchered the first one and needed a whole new print out to (probably) mess up again.  Anywho..here 'tis....

I feel very blessed to be able to do hand knitting.  It keeps my mind focused.  Well, that and watching some amazing people clear a big Highway in British Columbia during ugly winter weather.  Season three better hurry up!!

So, it's knitting, some reading, and some watching Jamie Davis and his Heavy Wreckers Drivers pull flipped and dented big rigs off the Coquihalla, AKA, "The Highway Through Hell" that has so far kept me outta the bars.
I've also rung up a lot of hours of reading and a few climbing through clutter to get it out the door.  This time I'm winning the battle because I really want it gone.  I will never do some of this stuff again.  I'm done, how about the rest of you crafters?  I'm throwing in the towel  on ceramics,

From the NatGeo Page for the Program
Jamie, I love that Geometry you use!
Everyone, If you love someone, tell them so, and do this as many times a day as won't make them crazy.
It's a sneaky, cold-hearted world full of that evil FATE, out there, and we have to keep ahead of it with our"Love Bombing!"  Don't be shy about, either.

Until next time, dear readers, I wish a sufficiency of all good things, may they make their  way to you this week, and may also you walk with Beauty all around you.

These are blooming again.


  1. It sounds as though you are learning to cope, that is good in more ways than one.
    I am all with you on the love bombing. Definitely.
    That sweater is absolutely gorgeous!
    Sending big, big hugs across the pond, along with warm thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thanks for everything, Karen. It's helped immensely to teach me to do what my daughter's want me to do, and to just be supportive without being framed out and unhelpful. Thank you about the sweater. I'd love to make more but would modify the ties.
      Yes, let's love bomb the world, us women. We owe it to the children. Eh?


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..