"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I've done or still do and would like to do more of......

I would like to keep making Jewelry, start Spinning again, continue my Needlework, and keep taking flower photos at Farmer's Markets as well doing Sky Watcher photography.  I still love Rock Hounding, Traveling, and Sewing, and BEADS!

A few things have been left out, like reading, trying new things in the kitchen, watercolor painting. However,  these 13 in the collage are a baker's dozen of things that are certainly enough to keep me busy as I slowly slide into either insanity or senility.



  1. I think all of that sounds quite fascinating. I will have to look up sky watcher photography, though!

    1. Hi CountryDew, thank you. Crafting and actually gathering rocks to make jewelry is fascinating, but Skywatchers are now hard to find. I don't think the group was ever on the web. You can't link up to them or find them either, because the word Skywatcher has been obliterated for anything but astronomy. The person who ran it might have just given up.

  2. An interesting collage that depicts who you are. My T13

  3. Hi Heather. Thanks for your visit.
    Well, it shows Thirteen things I'll admit to doing, anyway. ;o) For instance, I should have had a big dish piled high with chocolate, as chocolate eating could classify as one of my hobbies.

  4. Thank you,Paula. They are fun to make. I've discovered Pixlr. Whee!
    Have a lovely,calm weekend. I'm moving and tossing possessions, making the world, mine anyway, a better place. ;-)

  5. Wow. You have a lot of cool hobbies.

  6. I used to sell them, as well as pouring and firing ceramics To sell. But life has slowed down now. They are beautiful as hobbies, absolutely no production deadlines! :-).

  7. Ah, the crafty life. I do a lot of that too. I knit, do embroidery, sew, make the occasional necklace or earrings, travel, camp out, take pictures, and experiment in the kitchen.

    Seems to me Heather still does Skywatcher blogs. Maybe she knows where to find the hub.

    If you ever end up with too many pieces of jewelry laying around, you might try selling on Etsy. There aren't many deadlines there.

  8. Ah, maybe the Skywatchers do have a hub now. Thanks! It used to be done all by email, which was a bit onerous.
    So, you too know the joys of handcrafting. Lovely!
    Since I closed my business and went off the show circuit, thither and yon, I doubt I'll be setting up to sell again. Age does have it's privileges and I regard one of mine as saving time for traveling without kit and kapoodle or the baggage of a gypsy seller ever again. Whew! It's over. But I will think about Etsy if something truly changes in my brain.

  9. Great challenge! Nice job on the collage.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..