"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Something different for a Monday...

While I was trolling around in Google+ (trying to find out how many people had seen my blog) I came across this photo that Google created from one of my photos.

This is an amazingly beautiful portrait of the raised bed garden, within which Laura's Garden is enclosed.  I found it in the notifications.   Sadly, the wire cage on the tiny day lilies was included but really, even that gave an aura of mystery to this photo.

Thought a few people would like to see it.

Thanks Google for a lovely rendition of that space.  Now please tell me how to see the Views bit that once was on my page?


  1. Thank you Paula. It was a "before" picture to one that hasn't come yet. We want to plant bulbs in the Fall around the whole mushroom setting, and then build a tortoise proof fence. The little beggars must be kept O.U.T.! (Thinking: rebar!)
    Anyway, about the photo, Google randomly takes one, glams it up and sends it to you. They do this, I think, in the hope that you will then go use their tools on your own. I still like Picasa the best. I cite the "Ease of use", for one.

  2. The colors are beautiful. I don't even use Google plus, I just have the account so I can comment on blogs. I don't even know if people can get to my site using this comment function lol!

  3. I got to you and put you on follow. So, now I can see you in Google Buddies I think... Happy Halloween by the way, loved the goat headed new student for the school. lol

    Thanks about the colors but it came that way from Google+, in a showing off email from the DEVs. Pretty cool, trying, I'm sure, to make me swerve to the dark side and abandon Picasa. hahaha

  4. It's beautiful. What a loving memorial.

  5. Hi, Karen. Thank you for helping me so much.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..