"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: "A woman's place is in the Resistance"


  1. Yay indeed! And thank you for your comment, too. 🥂

  2. Go for Power of the Women! Hope you visit mine too. Tnx


    1. Hi Jho Cruz, I did try twice to comment on your blog, and though this is a blogspot blog, when I clicked on the button, it kicked me out. I'll go back and try again.

      Thanks for your comments, and I like the 4C diet, though now eat Citris and chocolate. Caffeine and Carbonated, never. Hope you are better soon.

  3. I loved the Woman's March and that it went all over the world!! YaY!

    1. Hi, Paula. Wasn't that amazing?! I loved that worldwide thing too!

  4. Replies
    1. No, it's not fun at all.
      It's totally shocking how such bad behavior can have made it into the White House, let alone be prevailing, apparently, in both the house and senate. We are in trouble, and with no precedent to inform us. You may think this odd, but I'll still say this, "Where is Teddy Roosevelt when we need him?"

  5. something needed and something though i could not participate in due to other commitments, was so glad to see happen, and so glad to see it happen in such sheer numbers!

    1. LadyInRead, indeed, these Women's March numbers are just dumbfounding. And the number of men in the mix was not insignificant. Perhaps in raising our sons differently over decades, We have raised them, both parents together, to respect and not denigrate the mother's/ woman's role in this world.
      It's not a" Man's world" anymore. If it "takes a village" to raise a child, two parents, who understand each other's importance, are also necessary in this milieu.

  6. Thank you for visiting my WW post. It's always nice seeing new people. You're invite to join my linky party anytime. I'm not a feminist but I do believe in equality and respect should be given to everyone. Have a blessed day! ;)

    1. Thank you Cathy. I'll look back in to see your links. I must confess, I am a feminist, though not a feminista, because of the lives of my mother, her sisters( she was one of four girls), and to some extent, my own four daughters. I will advocate for equality under the law for women everywhere until this miscarriage of justice ends. Men created it, misusing their religious and secular "prejudices to do it, and it must stop.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..