"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Saturday9: Work from Home

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Work from Home (2016)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Head's up note.  I usually forget to do this but not today.  If you would like to play along go to Sam's Blog, and check it out.  Come on over and have a look-see.  I think you'll like this long running meme.

1) This song is about a woman who doesn't get to see her lover often enough because he's on the night shift. Have you ever worked nights? I have worked the night shift and so has DH.  We worked at PacBell and he worked the frame, and I was a telephone operator, a job that I found to be fun except for split shifts.  Ugh!  I always forget this job in the two memes; I don't know why.

2) She promises that if he takes the day off, she'll make it feel like a vacation. Have you traveled anywhere fun so far this year? Do you have any leisure trips planned for 2017? 
No we haven't gone anywhere.  Nearby Family obligations.  We are thinking of a trip but we'll see.

3) The ladies of Fifth Harmony are enthusiastic supporters of the Girl Scouts, rewarding troops who excel in fundraising activities with free concerts. The Scouts' best-known fundraiser is their cookie sale. What's your favorite cookie (Girl Scout or otherwise)?
I love the delicious vegan cookies from a little shop called, Starry Lane Bakery.  Happily they are doing well enough that they are able to relocate to Hillcrest.  Sadly, they aren't on the way to my sister's house anymore.

4) Fifth Harmony also participated in Goodwill's Fall Haul campaign. They encouraged high school students donate as many items as possible to Goodwill, and the winning school got a free concert. When did you last take gently-used items to a resale organization?
A few years ago.  I love Goodwill, both here and in Santa Cruz. In Santa Cruz, I found a pot made by my late next door neighbor, here.  I was absolutely gob smacked. Now I have three of his ceramic pieces.  You just never know what you'll find at Goodwill. 

5) Do you ever shop second-hand or thrift stores?
Thrift stores are the go-to place for our family. It's lots more fun than anything else; but Target does come close.  Or a Hardware store. I 💟  Harbor Freight!  *leaps for joy*

6) Fifth Harmony member Normani Kordei competes on Dancing with the Stars this season. Would you do better on DWTS or The Voice? In other words, are you a better singer or dancer?   At my age, I'm not good at either anymore.  But I once had a nice singing voice.  I also did love to dance, and enjoyed it, but nowhere near to the level of  "ballroom", like Dancing with the Stars.

7) In February 2016, when this song was first released, The Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl and Spotlight won the Best Picture Oscar. Can you recall who won the 2017 Super Bowl and Best Picture Oscar, just two months ago?
Oh my, do I remember the spectacular showing of the scrappy young team from Atlanta, and I went down in flames with them, loving them all the more at the end.  It was a great distraction for me.
I still love the team and want to watch their next season.  Good Luck in the next season Atlanta!

The Oscars: I've never watched  the Oscars again since I watched them with my mom.  She enjoyed watching them; such memories are nice, so I'm glad to have that.

8) 2016's most popular TV show was Game of Thrones. Are you a fan?
  Sorry.  Not at all.  My trainer tried to get me to watch it, calling it a love story.  But images of Children competing for food, and the word," Hunger" as well, just didn't flash any positive lights in my head.  

9) Random Question: What's the subject line of the newest message in your email spam folder?
It's from knit picky patterns.  I want to shut it off but don't have the tracking skills organized in my brain at the moment.  Maybe tomorrow....... *sighs*


  1. I totally agree with everything you said about Goodwill. I'm a rather recent convert to second hand shopping and I agree, it's about discovery. Who knows what you'll find!

  2. I love browsing in Goodwill and all the other thrift shops, too. I don't often find clothes in ours, but oh....the other things that end up there. It's a junker's paradise.

    1. Indeed. I do look for purses there too, whenever I do go. I haven't been in one for a year or more.

  3. Every now and then I go to the local thrift shops. I always feel weird when I see things I've donated.

  4. I don't get all of the hoopla over the Game of Thrones. Maybe it's a millennial thing or something..

    1. It has to be something like that Harriet. I just don't get it either. And, having found out the death rate on it, never will!

  5. I think you have Game of Thrones confused with The Hunger Games series. Game of Thrones is about war with magic and dragons. Hunger Games is about kids competing.

    1. OH, I do have them confused then! Thanks for clarifying that, CountryDew.
      Sheesh.... Maybe I'll watch an episode of Game of Thrones to see about it, since I do love dragons.
      But I abhor War.

      *thinks about it*

  6. I like a small chain store called Job Lot, they have good prices but if you don't buy it right away they might not have it again because they buy overstock and discontinued items.

    1. Hi Diana. We had something like JobLots called the Freight Outlet, which was in business for several decades. The chain was eventually bought out, and now the stores are called Big Lots. Sounds like Job Lots,eh? Anyway, it's a fun place to find things, but yes, get it quickly.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..