"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

T13 butterflies in the garden

Since this is Spring I thought it would be nice to list Thirteen Butterflies seen in our garden:

1. Tiny Sootywing butterfly

2. Citrus Dog, Orange Dogs, Giant Swallowtails.
Image result for Citrus Dog butterfly butterfly

3. Mourning Cloak
Image result for mourning cloak butterfly

4. California Skipper

5. California Hairstreak

6. Western Swallowtail

7. Monarch

8. Gulf Fritillary
Image result for pictures of gulf fritillary butterfly
From Gene Hanson's lovely page.

9. Cloudless Sulfur

10. California Dogface

11. Cabbage White

12. Clouded Sulfur

13. Western Pygmy Blue  and also HERE


  1. All we get here is black and yellow swallowtail and an occasional fritillarry.

    1. I explained in the next post why we get so many, Colleen. But you can do some planting that will attract them. Something to build with the grandkids? 🦋 It's good for the heart's ease. Hugs 😍

  2. How beautiful. I have a couple of plants that are supposed to attract butterflies.

    1. They will put you on their radar. Some of ours, the tiny sooties, are looking for the huge geranium patch we removed last fall, poor things.

  3. These are lovely, although the person who named the California Dogface must be hit with wet noodles for coming up with that name. Sheesh.

  4. Those are beautiful! I especially love the California Dogface and the Mourning Cloak. Lovely!

  5. Glad you enjoyed all the lovelies. They move too fast for me to get decent snaps, but it's a comfort to know other people take fantastic shots.

  6. Beautiful!!! Never heard of the dogface. Very cool!

  7. An unfortunate name for a beautiful butterfly. It's a beauty!

  8. Tiny sootwing, mourning cloak, california skipper, gulf fritillary, cloudless sulfur, cabbage white, and clouded sulfur are also native here.
    Our butterfly population has dropped severely the last 2-3 years. I do what I can with planting, even collection caterpillars and raising them before releasing, but it's a fight against windmills (or Monsanto).


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..