"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday 13: It's a wash... Thirteen reasons why I don't have a Chicken Thursday 13...

My short (aren't you glad it's not 20?) litany of "Be Causes"...

 I'm not doing chicken statuettes this week as planned because:

1.  The crew to remove the Solahart is coming tomorrow, (this is being written on Wednesday) and we will have no hot water for a week until it can be set up again.

2.  Because:  my brain hurts.  It's an eyeball headache.  You know the kind: Double vision sort of thing, urpy feelings.  maybe it was all that Gin?  NOT!

3.  Because: I'm stressed, as I think someone I know is losing her mind.

4. Because: I'm tired and not sleeping well enough.  Cat naps are great, for cats, who have basically nothing to do all day.

5.  Because: There aren't enough hours in the day to worry about HALF the things that need to be worried about, and I'm beginning to hate re-development with a passion that ascends to the Heavens!

6.  All the dust of ages is coming into the house through the minutest of cracks and just playing my allergies for fools.  I can feel my adenoids swelling as I type.

7.  Everything is dusty as Hellfire (Can Hellfire be dusty?) because of the Army Ants ripping the school yard to shreds.  They move dirt here; then they move it back; then they move it again!  They are completely crazed.  I am so glad that the developers didn't get a permit to change the zoning.  It's not condos and it's not another Apartment building!

(Thank you Jesus! *tap dances around the kitchen*)

8. The steady grind of Graders, Earth movers, Cats, and spraying trucks, ones that belong on freeway projects and not in neighborhoods, starts up at 7 am on the dot and does not stop until 5pm. It's got the feel of a threat, as in, "Eat Dirt and Die!"

9.  I'm embarrassed that San Diego City Schools, not the thriftiest of systems, saw fit to sell off this land (for nearly 60 mil that they can now waste) to an infill developer rather than creating a park on this hallowed ground, which is what the neighborhood needed and wanted.
Shame on you! The school shooting made it hallowed ground because two good men died there protecting our children.  Shame on you, Supervisors!  I feel like I'm breathing the dust of my friends' blood!

10.  Because: I went to my sister's house today and didn't get home in time to finish the thinga I had planned and had all written out... No pictures for it.  And the flash washed out all the ceramic and glass chickens. It's was too dark to not have the flash.  Catch 22 stuff.   No Joy. And everything had a thick coat of dust on it.  I'm allergic to dust.  Blimey!

11.Because I have to dust all the chickens first.  I'm just not going to do it.

12. I probably have to wash my hair again.  Just typing this out has made me feel itchy and gritty all over.

13.  Did I say that the dog ate my list?  It's so handy to have a pooch to blame.  Why didn't I lead with this line?


  1. Dust seems to be a real bugaboo for you right now. The chickens are just going to have to wait. Hugs on the school

    1. Thank you for that, Alice. Once the new roof is on, a hope we get a couple rain storms to wash everything down so that that memory can go with it.

  2. So.....no chickens, then? Hmmmm....

    1. No, Ron.. not til next week or so. But trust me, I'm proud of them so plan to bore you all with at least two T-13's about them. 😜🤓

  3. I hear ya! I don't have knicknacks, just think of them as something else to have to dust. Maybe next week on the chickens. You're good at stream of consciousness.

    1. Ha! Stream of consciousness, as in disjointed blathering, and I'll believe it. That's me alright! I love it! 💝
      About knick knacks. I'm selling them off on eBay asap. I'm tired of extraneous belongings that have no purpose in life save for being dust magnets. Their little tushies are going to new homes before I kick.

  4. Oh man. That sounds miserable. I am sorry. I would probably have to pack up and leave! My asthma would be front and center. Please take care of yourself. Complain to your city leaders.

    1. Story this got rather long... *sighs*. I knew you would have this dust thinga nailed, CountryDew, comrade and fellow sufferer. I will protect my lungs. And thank you.💛
      We'll have no hot water for that week either because of the solar water heater. The last time we had this adventure we were young 20 somethings, remodeling our only bathroom. We took showers outside after dark, training a water hose on each other. That was fun, but now, at 75, it could be a little tying. 😜😉
      City Hall heard our desires but couldn't stop the sale, or so they said, because the school district has discretionary powers. We made it very plain what we all wanted. Happily, the developers didn't get is a zoning change to increase density.
      I love a good fight but business usually wins the day. This day we got a fairly big concession from them. We'll just have to be glad of that, I reckon.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..