"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Saturday9: DA! An doo not Ron in da halls!

Da Doo Ron Ron

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions! 

Saturday 9: Da Doo Ron Ron (1977)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it HERE

Want to see other posts or to play along with the gang?  go Here...

1) This song begins by stating that he met her on a Monday and his heart stood still. How did your past week start? It may be a lot to expect you to report that you met someone who made your heart stand still, but did anything noteworthy occur? 
We stayed home the whole day.  So, no.  It's nice not to have something going on all the time.  When I'm in the middle of a trauma, I look forward to just having peaceful days forEVER.  Anyway, it was a very Peaceful day.  I spent time reading the posts from Sunday Stealing.  And read more of my book.  We played a little of our online game.  Watched some Netflix.  By the way, there is supposed to be a new season of "Call the Midwife" in Netflix, but it might have been a hoax.  And, there's a movie called, "Lion" that is BEYOND wonderful.  I recommend it.  You all probably know all about this amazing film but now it's on Netflix so you can watch it again.  I'm going to in a few years.  How's that for optimism?

2) While making hit records, Shaun Cassidy also starred as Joe Hardy on the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries. The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books have been popular with generations of American kids. Were you a fan?
No, but my mother had a few of these books in her collection.  Neither of my mini generational sets of kids read them nor did I.  Mother must have gotten them from her younger sibs, who did read them.

3) Shaun went to Beverly Hills High School. Over the decades, BHHS has had many good footballs teams. Do you remember what sports your school excelled at?
Other than the fact that we had a basketball team and a football team, I don't remember them being like Beverly Hills or anything.  We did have a stellar player who went on to have a career in ProFootball.

4) Shaun followed his older half-brother, David Cassidy, into TV/records/teen stardom. Do you have siblings? If yes, what career paths did they follow?
My brother became a carpenter, too.  But unlike me, he stayed in it and worked most of his life in the trades.  He should have gotten a degree in Mechanical drawing, because he won awards for that in High school.  But, like many in that generation, Vietnam got him.  He didn't go into that Holocaust, but he did have an injury that has plagued him his whole life, with numerous knee operations.  He spent his remaining enlistment time working in the APO and is now a retired vet. 
My sister worked her whole life in Orthodontics, getting an RDA license when she was 21.  She was stricken with her illness before she could properly retire.  

5) His middle name is Paul, after his maternal grandfather. Tell us something about one of your grandparents. 
My paternal grandmother, the gentlest little woman I ever met in my adult life, was Half  Three Quarters native American.  She had a small farm where she raised animals (small ones like my mom did) and grew all sorts of vegetables, and grew, dried and ground her own corn into meal.  She gave me the first instruction in curing olives.  She was a terrific little lady.  I knew her and stayed relatively close until moving to San Diego.  The last time I saw her, DH took me to her home in Colorado when she was 93, and she died two or three years after that.  She was this tiny doll of a woman, 4'9" , and shorter, even, than my diminutive maternal Gran who was 4"10". 

6) Shaun's mother, actress Shirley Jones, reports that he was more than 3 weeks late and born by Cesarean. Have you heard family legends about your arrival into the world?
Only that I was born during a hellacious blizzard, and the amazing family doctor came and stayed the whole night because I was born at 3 am.  Also, because I was born a few days before Christmas, the doctor gave mother an discount on his fee.  I know his name but won't put it here, and whenever I tell this, I think very kind thoughts for this wonderful doctor. He was my doctor off and on until I was five. My mother returned home for the births of my two brothers.  

7) "Da Doo Ron Ron" was originally recorded by The Crystals. Can you think of another song that has been a hit by more than one artist?
The Crystals are who I remember this from..  As to the rest, well, not just one but dozens.  I'll just mention two: "Hallelujah", and, "Landslide".  Both have had multiple covers and hits.

8) In 1977, when this version of "Da Doo Ron Ron" was popular, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak incorporated Apple. Are you Mac or Android?
I've got some of both. The Mac handles artware programs a lot more smoothly.  I'm certain I'd have one if I worked in the industry. 
9) Random Question: You're exhausted. You collapse into bed and are about to drift into slumber when you hear the drip-drip-drip of the bathroom faucet. Would you kick off the covers and go turn it off? Or would you stay in bed, letting it drip until morning?
Probably I would not be able to sleep through it, but then I've been exhausted enough to sleep through a couple of local fires, one of them a five alarm, 12 engine one at the apartments, a half block away.  Barring that sort of exhaustion, it's likely I would think of the wasted gallons and would get up and shut it off.  In California, it's almost a mortal sin to waste water.  I know many entitled wastrels here who could care less about this, but they don't count in the long view. 

Thanks, Gal, for turning out a fun Saturday meme every week for over a decade. Brava!  


  1. Half Native American, eh? That's very cool. Enjoyed your answers. I thought about Landslide this morning when I got up. Such a lovely song.

    1. She was actually three quarters, as her poppa was half, too. He was the Spanish part of my heritage. My own paternal grandpa was half french and half Native American, so there, in three branches, is that side of the family tree. Yes, it was very cool once I grew up and came to terms with it.
      About Landslide. It certainly is a lovely song. When I hear it, I think of Elle.

  2. Vietnam ... It left its scars, didn't it? When the President talks about obliterating North Korea, I shiver. How many American kids is he willing to sacrifice? (He, who didn't go to Vietnam because of his "bad feet.") I was going to watch the PBS special but just can't.

    Your answer to #9, combined with current events, makes me feel guilty. Living on Lake Michigan, in an area where snow helps us out even if a drought hits in summer, I do take fresh water for granted. My friends in Key West had to boil their water, even to brush their teeth, after Irma hit. Forget washing clothes! And I recently struck up a conversation with a homeless couple who live(d) in a tent along the Chicago River. It's hard to interview for jobs when you don't have clean clothes. So I realize how blessed I am to do laundry and brush my teeth. I should appreciate those things I take for granted.

    1. Trump is just a clueless liar and a Misfit. And, I can't watch the Ken Burns show yet. I'll have to get my mind around it first, and prepare to be angry. Right now I'm only mad at cancer, that rat b*stard. I don't think I can take anymore. Vietnam decimated two generations of young Americans, and the level of veterans committing suicide has only increased with this constant warfare the damn military and elites run.
      And, please feel blessed with the water you have to use. Go ahead and use it and enjoy it. California has stolen water from everywhere in order to support this much urbanization of, basically, a desert. My only gripe with wasters, are the ones that waste water here. Let's just say, the Politicos always want for nothing. All during the two droughts at the end of the last century, they were watering their yards and gardens like nothing was going on at all.

  3. First of all, I thank men like your brother who served in the military and I'm so sorry that he suffers from it. I'm also sorry to read about the loss of your sister.

    Second, I LOVE Call the Midwife and also the movie Lion! Wish there were more quality shows like those. Very interesting about your grandmother. My grandma on my daddy's side was probably a quarter Native American. We saw a movie recently called Maudie. Should it come to Netflix, be sure to watch it. Excellent. True story.

    1. Greetings Nonnie, and thank you. I will pass those words on to my brother. My sister has Parkinson's but is not doing very well. I am going to lose her soon, I fear. Thank you for your kindness. My daughter died last year of cancer. That's who you are seeing in the side bar. I can't bear to take it down quite yet.

      HOw interesting about your grandma. When I finally found out, from my grandmother and auntie, about the paternal side of the family, I was able to piece together a little slice of my own "pie". How interesting it is to do all those percentage figures. lol
      Ah! Netflix is wonderful! That's the only place I watch anything anymore. It leaves me free to be off a time schedule in the evenings. We don't have anything to record PBS anymore so have to rely on PBS showing up on Netflix. Also, I'll keep an Eye out for "Maudie", and thanks for the suggestion.

  4. I have a live version of Hallelujah on my phone that I like to listen to when I walk. I like motivational tunes like that when I am walking.

    1. What a great thing to do while you walk along. Hallelujah is one of my favorite songs. Wishing you a happy week ahead, when everything and anything starts going all Pumpkin. *winks*

  5. I should have thought of Hallelujah! Many, many artists have done it justice. Thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoyed reading your responses to Gal's questions today!

    1. Terri, it's just a great song, lyrics and score.
      You have a very nice blog. My pleasure. And thanks for reading here. Have a Happy Sunday and week.

  6. Hallelujah is such a great song! And Landslide! I almost put down Imagine, that's got some great covers, too.

    Love your answers!

    1. Kwizgiver, Thank you. :)
      "Imagine" is another amazing song. It will stand the test of time.
      If the human race lasts long enough it will be sung... in 5555, remember this spooky Zegar and Evans song?
      "In the year 2525, if man is still alive
      If woman can survive, they may find
      In the year 3535
      Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
      Everything you think, do and say
      Is in the pill you took today"


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..