"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday Thirteen: Comings, Goings, and Doings.

1.  Reading Neal Degrasse Tyson's newest book, Astrophysics, for People in a Hurry.   Sadly, I'm not reading it in print but an ebook from the library

2. Struggling with the realization that my sister is not going to get any miracle cures, and I can't do anything about it.  Went to see her today.  I'll do wash for her and help her cope.

3.  We need a very expensive new roof.  The last one, by a licensed contractor, is only six and a half years old and failing miserably.  I went to Angie's list and we found someone who does top rated work.  Fingers are crossed here.

4. The tomatoes are doing well, but only one plant is really thriving.  No idea why but I think they must fight for nutrients or something.  The big tomatoes are doing very well.  The smaller zebras are not.

5.  I love FotoSketcher.  I have no link but it's out there.. Suzy put me on to it.  Thank you, Girl friend!

6.  I'm just not sleeping well.  I'm so trained to not nap that I literally have to be dead on my feet before it's possible to nod off.  It's reaching the "dreaming while awake" stages.

7.  The train wreck that is Washington is starting to pale in comparison to what's happening to the planet.  I'm beginning to believe that ALL the big industrial countries have to go down just to save it.

8.  I worry about there being an asteroid out there with our name on it.

9. Are we really only pixels?  Well, that would be a relatively painless way to end this grand Petri dish experiment.  Just a quick flash.  That would work.

10.  I've convinced myself to forgive sins against me, really do it, because I do not want another little kid to suffer, if karma is the way this all works.

11.  Instagram made me have camera envy for awhile.  But I'm over it.  I'll just take the time to draw birds again. Lol  There is no way to compete against pros with 10 grand, or even 5, invested in camera's or lenses.   That kind of money is going into the new roof!

12.  I want to knit but it's staying way too hot.  I need a new hobby, like licking ice cubes into weird shapes.  The face of St. Joeseph?

13.  The decluttering goes on, but slowly.  Making decisions about the smallest things is now very hard.  Books will be the hardest to part with.  And then there is the stashes.  Two of the kids just lost their rental house, of 17 years, as it's to be sold.  They can't have so much as an extra pillow.
This really rambled but I am really, really tired.  My sister cries every time we leave, though she ties to be brave.  I dont know how much longer I'll be blogging.  


  1. I, too, am not sleeping well. At present, it's 1) go to bed at regular time & sleep for an hour and a half. 2) Stay awake while attempting to get back to sleep; maybe nod a little, but not much. 3) Finally get back to sleep about an hour to an hour-and-a-half before my usual rise time. 4) Wake up at the usual time. Oy.

    1. Oy is right! It's so hard to live your life when you can't SLEEP! Staring long hours at the ceiling is dreadful. I hope you can figure out something to get sleep.
      My little sleep mantra doesn't work anymore, either. Now I'm trying to count my Breaths. It's just not working. This is what Mr.Z does to go to sleep and, for him, it works. Of course he gets up at 4, like you do, and is dog tired at ten. :o)

  2. I am sorry about your sister's illness. Life is hard. It shouldn't be, but it is in the best interest of the powerful to make it so, so it is. Please take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you CountryDew. She is at the mid-mark and going down, and for the first time, she has stopped fighting.
      What you say is very true. And, life is hard and getting worse for working class people. We are earning wages that stagnated at 1972-73 levels. I've just done a blog post about it. You are right. It's in the best interests of the powerful to keep sucking off the money in the People's treasury while pinching them to death at the other end of the economy re: jobs and wages.
      Thank you for caring. I will try to not go mad. Can't promise! Instagram has become a great escape, though now it's fading fast too.

  3. Years ago someone suggested that adding a mix of milk of magnesia (or magnesium pills), calcium pills, and iron tablets does wonders for potatoes, tomatoes, almost anything in the nightshade family. I think you're right, they are being drowned out by the bigger tough red tomatoes. grind it all up, mix it with a bit of water, and give each plant maybe two tablespoons right at the base.
    And if not this year, next year.

    And what you're doing for your sister is probably the most nurturing thing you can do. Stay well, deep breaths.

    1. Thank you mittens. We have decided that both tomatoes are getting the correct stuff, magnesium, calcium, iron and plenty of water, but the little zebras, we remembered belatedly, have had a problem with a blossom end rot other times we've planted them. We like the tomatoes but I don't think we'll grow them again.
      Thank you for your comments about my sis. Her hubby will soon retire as he is getting worn out. too, and so he will be able to help her as well. She's getting way too thin. I will try to not freak out anymore. After our daughter, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my sister soon, too. Well.... "Life is just a bowl of cherries, some bitter, some sour." Heehee - our mother used to say that.

  4. You have really been having a rough time of it. I'm in the middle of the forest fires. Are you in the middle3 of the hurricanes? I'll take any drop of rain you can send me.

  5. Hiya Alice, I'm in SoCal, which, thankfully, has not had fires this year. We've had enough to last us for a decade, though! And Hurricanes do sometimes come up the Baja Peninsula from down Mexico way, but they veer off into the four corners and just give nice Male rains to the Hopi Lands. With climate change, it's anybody's guess.

    Not sleeping is never very good in the best of times. I can think of all the refugees from all over the world, the parents, and thank God that we have never had to run from guns with our little children. I'm normally a "blessings counter" but not sleeping well for so long has had me grow some major soft spots all over. I think I must be rotting! *checks her derriere*


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..