"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Thursday 13: Thirteen of my favorite bird snaps over the years.

I got tired of trying to post any bird pictures in Instagram, my camera is just not a Canon EOS or Mark V, it's a creaking ancient little Canon SLR.

But when I went to look for these in google pictures, I thought, this is a perfect T-13.  In no particular order, here are 13 (well 12, as one is a bird house) of my favorite bird photos.

*Clicking* the images makes them larger

Adult Herman's Gull.
These are the prettiest gulls that we see in California
Or maybe the prettiest is the Mew Gull.

Late afternoon light makes the pink on the bird bath reflect more
on the pink chest of this Mourning Dove.

Fledgling Herman's Gull, waiting for it's parents to return for it.

Little Costa's Hummingbird
 sitting in his stealth attack place.
This was actually taken by Fujica 35 mm

Mama, sitting, Papa gaurding

Baby dove from last year. 
 Sadly, this year's hatchlings didn't make it.

Female Allen's Hummingbird, pausing on an aloe stem
before getting more nectar from the aloes.

Lonely little penguin at the Monterey
Aquarium.  He was being re-habed
and would sit and stare out the big windows
out to the sea for hours.

Hand crafted basket and penguins
 by Jimmy: pine needle basket and felted birds.

Fledgling California Jay, singing his baby songs,
pauses to look me in the eye before turning
away to continue vocalizing

11.  Well, this isn't a bird, and it's not mine but I aspire to make a few in the next year.

From Scandinavia.  Very cute.

12.  A bird in the hand ..... but it's sad
Anna's who was killed in a territorial battle

13.  Little Pepe, My foundling parakeet.

He was walking around the grass at Shelter Island.

He was easy to catch, and then he happily chowed
down on some raw broccoli someone in our rockhound club had
brought.  Pepe picked up a few words and/or phrases-
"Good morning, Pepe" was one of them.  "Hello" was another.


  1. Your little Pepe - how fun and lovely! I wish the photo showed. An aunt in North Carolina has the prettiest birdhouse I saw which she keeps in her chili garden.

    1. I wish it did, too. I can't figure out why it isn't. Your aunt's birdhouse sounds lovely. There are so many out there to chose from and I have a whole box of wood just sitting around waiting to be Studs, roofs, and Siding. lol

  2. I like birds, too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm glad to hear you do! They are fantastic creatures. I'm glad you liked these. Take care Mia Celeste.

  3. Replies
    1. LOL! Yes, some of the birds are food, true. Having said that, I just watched a movie last night that I'm sure the scene of a living chicken having it's neck wrung was real, and to the horror of little children. I had to behead the chickens on Mother's farm. at least in was immediate with an axe. UGH! It was a sad job.

  4. Oh no, some of the pics wouldn't upload for me. I love birds too and birdhouses.

    1. Well, that might be that the stupid Google ones are still not showing even though I reset permissions. I'm betting that is what it is. Mr. Z can tell me but it will be awhile. I will repost them and they will be available I suppose.

  5. Replies
    1. Nope,Alice, it's a Canon Powershot S3IS. It's old old old.

  6. Birds are hard to photograph. I have a terrible time with them. These are impressive. I have Canon Powershot S3IS, too. I used it all the time for taking photos for the newspaper. I prefer my Nikon because I think it has better color saturation, but that Powershot has been a terrific camera. I love mine.

    1. I love this one,too. It’s been a great camera. If I got a chair blind, or made a throw blind this would do fine, I think. The problem is getting closer to the bird.
      Oddly, I think Canon has better color than Nikon, but the old Sony’s had amazing color resolution. They just broke too much. I never had one but could have gotten one when my daughter switched to Canon. Fuji has finally engineered a mirrorless digital that looks interesting,too. If I get a new camera, it will be a used Canon EOS Mark V or higher body and a 300 mm lens. I like the somewhat larger view screen.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..