"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday 13:Talk like a Viking? We already do a LOT of that....

This was a suggestion tossed to me by CountryDew.  So, I decided to catch it and run with it.

Remember:  All Photos enlarge with a *click*.  If not I'll find out why not and hang the miscreant by the thumbs!  That is, after I've put and arrow through his liver.  (OMG, my inner Viking is manifesting!)

I just tested it and found it wanting so I enlarged them all.  Stingy Google.....

So.... here we go!

1. Here is a site that explains the origin of the Runic Alphabet.  Don't be scared off by the introductory part of the of the web page.  If you can read it, you can "get" it.

Also, a little 1.5 here....
Five words that have come down from the Vikings, to your English tongue.

dirt – drit (excrement)
dregs – dregg (sediment)
mire – myrr (bog)
muck – myki (cow dung)
rotten – rotinn.

Feel like going and washing out your mouth now?  This is from HERE

2. On that page (in #1) are other links to the ways and sometimes the "means" of the Viking surge.  Actually, first there were waves of raiding hordes up out of Germany.  Somehow they had gotten a little too much of the Roman gene for wandering and marauding.  At least that's what I think.  Anyway, they raided Northward into Denmark, and probably the rest of Scandinavia, leaving behind the runic alphabet.

At THIS Nova site, you can write your name in Runic characters.

3. Once Denmark got over the smarting blows of the Romany hordes, it went on a rampage of it's own.  "Them Danes got around", as one of my teacherly rockhound friends was told when the sickle cell tester was in her 3rd grade classroom.  She is totally Scandinavian, and she happily did the test.

4.  Yggdrasil, the tree that launched a thousand ships...
See that ^ little outhouse up there.  heehee

5.  I intend to read this Book in the Kindle Edition.  It will be the MOST I've ever paid for a kindle book.  It is mentioned in several places as the definitive book about the Mythology and Religious beliefs of the Vikings.

6. You will recognize much of what you read about on the Viking pages as being borrowed to create the Hobbit books and later the films. Let me say, the author of that page linked in #1 is AWESOME!
The page includes a lot of origin mythology..  It's not a Viking page, per se, but it illustrates a shared mythology of all of Northern Europe.

7.  All right.  Now I'll tell you a few things I think are impressive about this people.  They built massive boats that could take off across the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, some of the Harshest of all Oceans.  And, sometimes the whole family went along for the ride.  They were expert sailors, like the Polynesians and the Phoenicians.  They could, and did, take  ROW boats from Greenland across to Northern Canada, and BACK again.  They were so incredible.

8.  I like their Gods.  Especially I like Loki, who is just a nut!  He's very appealing to me as a God.  He's a cripple and a trickster.  HERE is a list of the Norse Gods.

9.  I love Buri, shown here as depicted on a Wiki Fandom Card,  and he is the progenitor of the other Norse/Germanic Gods.  In some accounts Buri is androgynous, which to me is very appealing for a progenitor Figure.

I'm guessing the Raven is HIS bird.
10.  Let's get some women in here.  Darn it!  First is Freyja.

Johannes Gehrts

 She gets even with Loki for being a naughty teller of tales.  Or is he??  ;o)  Naughty Freyja....

11.  Idun, a gardener Goddess.  She has bewitched me completely.  Read about her HERE.

Of all of them, she's my Grrrl...

12.  The Goddess Hel, from whence came the wide spread epithet flung at all creatures and things who disappoint us or otherwise give us fits.  Here she is with one of her dogs.  She was a Dog person, like me.
Johannes Gerhrts 1889

13.  "The Real Vikings" is a show I haven't watched yet.  If it's not just LOOSELY based on history, maybe it's time to braid my hair, and get out my bow and arrows for a total immersion therapy session.
She's definitely taking aim at some red headed tyrant out there
on the shore.  Vikings don't take a lot off Red headed Tyrants.
They send them to Greenland into exile.  Now there's a thought!
This was fun.  I think it's time to post and skip on home to Denmark.


  1. I don't blame Freyja. She probably had zero tolerance for gossip. I like that, and 'yggdrasil' could be Helen's (of Troy) tree. I remember dreggs in English Literature class! Love love your list!

    1. Thank you so much. :-)
      And, Loki could be a pest. Freyja probably had it up to "HERE",and she should have caught that little trickster by the ear and tossed him into the mulch pile.

  2. The Vikings invaded Ireland and then both cultures blended. Some of my Irish lines like the Berrigan are from the Vikings, I do believe.

    1. I have a lot of Irish and northern European marauders in my tree, too. Dutch and such. ;-) They were all over the Hebrides as well.

  3. That was fun! I especially liked the vocabulary lesson.

    1. Why, thank you! Isn't language fun? lol Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. That's an outhouse? I thought it was a gate.

    I've been kind of Viking occupied lately, but only because of my trip to Iceland.

    1. I was joking about it because the over all shape of it was far too tempting to pass up a wisecrack. heehee
      Iceland is/was on my bucket list. There are times I regret living so far from it.

  5. Replies
    1. hot dog! I'm sure glad they do as we need these brutal ones to come beat up some blokes in Washington DC, and the sooner the better!

  6. This was great! I loved it. My alma mater has a Freya secret society; they walk at midnight around the campus and do good works in Freya's name, but no one knows who is in the group. Well, I guess the people in the group know! And once after a particularly weird acupuncture session, Loki came and sat on my windshield while I was driving home down the interstate. It was freaky.

    1. Aha! See, you have that Smithy/warrior spirit in your quiver! Or, actually, riding shotgun for you. Excellent. Can totally believe this. There is more to these old "myths" than meets the physical eye.
      The Freyja spirit lives on, too, and so close to OWB's locale? Perhaps they could trip on over there and sweeten his disposition and give him a kindly nature. This is good for the heart to hear. I'd also ask them to replace that useless brain but maybe that's a job for the more brutal Wonder Woman.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..