"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Thursday Thirteen, my Favorite Pies.

My favorite pies to make and eat.  I'm linking to the pages with recipes that are close to mine.

Just so you know: Nearly every baking blog is now monetized to the teeth but the recipes seem good. There is only one pie in here that I haven't made.

For now, Let there be Pie!

1.  Fresh Strawberry Pie
Recipe at Pillsbury.com

2.  Pecan Pie
Barbara Bakes web site for recipe

3. French Silk Chocolate pie-  never made one of these. I've certainly.eaten enough of them!

4. Pumpkin Pie,
Simply Recipes Site

5. Banana Cream Pie.
From A Taste of Home site

6. Lemon Meringue
A Busy Mom's Blog Recipe 

7. Lemon Chiffon
It's a YouTube

8. Key Lime Pie
Very nice site, great RECIPE

9. Rhubarb pie
The New York Times Recipe Page

10. Coconut Cream - never made one but may have.  DH likes them, so maybe I have...
Southern Living Magazine: Recipe
You have to wade through two cake recipes to get there but they are pretty nice, too.

11. Chess Pie  -
I wasn't going to link this site because of all the monetizing, but the recipe is authentic.  LINK to recipe.

12. Plain chocolate refrigerator pie
This Recipe is the one I used

13. Last but not Least, an Apple Pie!  I made mine differently, cooking the apple slices first..
Recipe, and image, from this Betty Crocker Site
Now I want to make a pie!


  1. You covered all my favorites, plus gave me a link to help me use up the rhubarb someone dumped on me.

    1. Well, I'm glad to have helped. Proud actually! Did they leave it on the doorstep in a pretty handle basket? If not, shame on them!

  2. Great; now I've drooled on the keyboard. Thanks a bunch, Zipster.
    Never heard of Chess pie. Will check it out.

    1. Chess pie has a story, very "down home", Texas way. The lady who made it up during the depression took one to a church pot luck. When people raved about it, and asked her what it was, she said."It's jes pie." And the way she said it sounded like "chess pie". Since a Texan told me this, a man who had baked the first one I had ever tasted, the story sort of stuck with me.

  3. Replies
    1. Me too! I guess I'll bake something the next couple of weeks. It's time for pie!

  4. Now I want to eat a pie! Give me apple any time. Blueberry or cherry next, please.

    1. Apples make a great pie, but did you know that apple pies can be made from Ritz crackers? It's so ODD, but it actually tastes like apple. When I was in high school, a friend of mine's mother made one and treated the GS troop to a slice.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..