"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 16, 2018

For Tomorrow, The Friday Whatever: The Irish Questions...

First off.  And a Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all my cousins out there! (In two days)

I'm probably only 1/8th Irish - or for the ease of adding up things like fractions, let's go to 32nds...  so I am 4/32nds.  I have an Irish great grandmother from Cumberland Gap.  The real McCoy, so to speak.  And we all know how inbred those guys were.  Sorry cousins,  I just have to confess.  It surely didn't look good for awhile.

Mr.Z is a quarter (8/32nds) Irish, and so the daughters got half of mine and of his... which is  6/32ths! In percentage that is 5.33333333333333333333333%

Gah, that's crazy making! Anyway, they are more Irish than I am, and less  than their daddy.  I do have red headed cousins, lots of them. So....

Pinterest, of course

So, Kiss me, I'm Irish!

And.....If you want to see a fun article about what it means to be Irish, try THIS one... "24 things you only know if you come from an Irish family"

The cousins thing got me and just made me laugh and laugh.  So true!
God I'm tired of the Bread and Circus's in Washington.  I also know who to blame.  It's that Doctor. Strangelove Crew,  hands down..... I think it's time for a little bit of this... *points down*



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