"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday 13. DIY and Why to do so....Become a Tinnovator!

Knowing full well that we are all tightrope walking on a very thin thread of sanity in this volatile world, here's a little bit of fun and creativity to while away the time left until Armageddon:

This Thursday 13 was inspired by a little $24 Tin lightly filled with emergency sewing supplies and which one of my craft sites is flogging.  This pricey kit might be worth it if I didn't already have at least 17 pairs of scissors from micro to massive.

Moving On:  This reminded me that my little emergency kits were all in Altoids tin.  In fact Altoids tins figure heavily in crafting life, and, if you like the mints, their tins can have an amazing second life.  Altoids tins are  incredibly useful...

1. A pocket sized First Aide Kit from Instructables  which is a very fun site!

2. The Art of Manliness Blog has some suggestions.  See them HERE  unless the link police have nixed the illustrations.  There are 21 nifty little suggestions (with illustrations) on their pages, one of which is the first aide kit above......  Things get around......

3. One Crazy House has 17 ideas, with neat illustrations, and shows what to do with the drawer full of Altoids tins you probably have.  That is, if you are like me. (;o))

4.  Of course, who could possibly leave out Pinterest Pins.  There are over 300 of these little jewels gathered from around the internet for your perusal.

5. Eco Green Services has 50 ideas and illustrated uses.  

6. Even YOU Tube has videos posted by people wanting to spread the Altoids Tin love to a broader Audience:

7.  This is really some high end of the techie stuff but it's nice to see how inventive this whole Altoids Tin movement became.

8. Altoids tin Ukelele  See it HERE  Scroll down a little..... Yes, it actually can be played.

9.  Best super teeny emergency lite.. mini Altoids can...HERE  From Instructables site....
Image from Page in #9 wherein are the instructions. 
Have fun!
Well, I have to find that link... meanwhile here are a couple hundred others some are, or course, repeats.

10. Teeny tiny portable Christmas tree for when you need it to cheer you up.  Just pop open your tin and there it is!
I could have used this a few times
these past few years.
It is from a page called theonething1721.org that doesn't exist anymore.

Mathew Poage made this next amazing little thing- above.   Anyone can follow this to success..and tada!.....HERE's the page..

12. Let's Paint them!  This is done before any other mods are made, I mean if you care about the deco part.  Very cool video... funny sort of guy doing this but one who knows his stuff.

13.  Last, but not least, comes the little ZEN GARDEN TIN to calm you down on a noisy day. This is also from the Page above, called, "how stuff works"
But, HERE is the creator's, Kate Pruitt, page...

The garden... 

I hope this has inspired you to have some fun around the Habitat/homestead and to get Crafty!


  1. Cool Beans. Who would think you could do all that with a little tin.

    1. People have come up with an amazing lot of uses haven't they? I love most of them but am a bit too lazy to get very fancy on the outside. This may change. lol

  2. I'm big on Altoids. When we have visitors, I offer up the empties. They're ALWAYS eagerly snatched up.

    1. You are a dear to offer the tins to others. I hope they have made you something from one for your own little bits and pieces. I'm edging toward a tin a week. Hope that it doesn't convince one of my vital organs to pack it in or something. heehee

  3. I've relied on Altoid tins to help organize my stuff for years. Except for an occasional hitch with TSA, they travel well, too.

    1. That sounds like a TSA nightmare. I'm glad that they are letting knitters carry their needles onto planes now. Honestly!!!
      I've used the tins for many things, too, but as I said, I'm a little lazy at decorating them.

  4. And here I just throw those tins away. I shall have to rethink that now. I never even considered that they would have another use.

    1. You will catch up fast, CountryDew. I can see you doing this with various small electronic bits. I use one to keep my camera cards and extra batteries in. I also have all the tweezers in another one.

  5. I like the Christmas tree and the idea of paining the outside. I remember years ago how matchboxes were used in lots of creative ways.

    1. Wasn't matchbox decorating fun?! I remember when they were made of wood. Those were the days...You can still get the matchboxes from this place:
      http://www.treehuggerbox.com/matchboxes.html in the past, my bro and I made tiny chests of drawers from some.

  6. I would save up the tins...but the kids love taking turns having the empties for small toy parts. My favorite in your T13 had to be the little Christmas tree.

    1. It is very sweet, that little tree. It's time to make one.... In fact I might decorate the small christmas trees that stay out all year here. They are a little forest of trees I keep out to counteract our treeless suburban living.

  7. Oh my goodness I have spent far too long looking at these ideas. I love all of the toy ideas on the 17 Incredibly Awsome things page. I may have to bust some of them out for Nephew A in order to cement my Cool Aunt status.

    1. Hi Kimberly.. Aren't these an amazing little hobby craft. I think kids like to get them, so make some for your Nephew. I promise he'll remember them ever after. trés Kewl!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..