"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Saturday 9: with the usual Gratuitous Opinions. Linda Ronstadt

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

 Readers:  If you would like to see more posts or join in the fun.. Go here


Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song lists seven cities -- New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Chattanooga, Baton Rouge and St. Louis -- that Linda just loves. How many have you visited?

Los Angeles.  In fact, growing up, I lived 11 miles from Downtown.  I may of briefly visited Chicago as a three and five year old as it was, at the time, a hub for trans-continental train lines.

2) The lyrics refer to hamburgers sizzling on the grill. What toppings do you believe make a perfect burger? I haven't had a burger in a decade.  I don't like much them.

3) The original recording of this song by Chuck Berry has always been one of Linda Ronstadt's favorites, one she used to enjoy singing along with in the car. What's the most recent song you sang?  "Blue Moon", it was in a Series soundtrack.  I sang along. I can remember it from Billy Holiday's recording.  Now that, my dears, is an Oldie!

4) Linda sang The National Anthem at Game 3 of the 1977 World Series. The New York Yankees won both that game and the series. How is your baseball team doing this season?
To be honest, I don't follow any sport anymore except once in a while I get all het up about Basketball.  

Since this is our last Saturday 9 before Independence Day, let's ask some questions about the holiday.

5) During the Revolutionary War, General Washington celebrated the 4th of July by giving his troops a double ration of rum. Will you imbibe any spirits on Independence Day?  I might have a beer but likely not.  I do like NAB or Non Alcoholic Beer.  It's surprisingly good.

6) The first man to sign the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock, said he wrote his name so large King George could see it, even without his glasses. Do you require glasses for reading?  God Bless You John Hancock!  Too bad we EVER trusted them.  

Yes, darn it.  I won't need them once I get cataract surgery, though that may be never.  So far I don't need it.
7) Since July 4 is a federal holiday, banks are closed and there's no mail delivery. Thanks to email and ATMs, Sam finds going without those services isn't a hardship. What about you? Will you find it inconvenient that banks and the USPS are closed on July 4?
Not at all.  And I think the USPS has earned that Holiday so I'm glad they have it.  Banks always take it anyway.  I'm sort of on the Fence about how I feel about the Banking Industry. They should get a Go to Jail card, some of them.

8) The first 4th of July parade each year is held at 12:01 AM in Gatlinberg, TN. Will you attend a parade or fireworks to celebrate the 4th?
No parades though if there were a small town one around close, I'd go to a parade.  But a fireworks show?  Freaking no!  I hate fireworks.  They scare all the dogs and horses and also scare the beejeebers out of all the wild birds.  

A side issue.....
San Diego Humane Society put out a plea for Foster Parents for the Fourth, to make room for the lost animals that flood into their facilities.   Speaking of fostering....Here's a story that will make you tear up. 

9) More and more Americans celebrate our nation's holiday by eating foods from Italy and Germany. For the July 4, 2016 holiday, more than $50 million was spent on Italian sausage and bratwurst. What's on your 4th of July menu?  I'll probably make some potato salad.  And we probably will have organic polish sausage hot dogs in buns.  Idk....At the moment, I'm feeling pretty lazy... Pasta salad sounds nice, too.  My sister in law makes a refrigerator 

Blue Berry Cream cheese Pie that delicious.  She makes a Graham cracker crust and stuff.  

But we are all staying home most likely.  So, I might make a couple tiny one for the two of us.


You all have a great 4th.  But, please, keep the dogs in...


  1. That pie sounds OUTSTANDING!!!! Yum. I don't like firecrackers, fireworks, any of that noise. I live out in the country and I swear they start the day before, blowing them off, and go til Labor Day. My little girls don't like the noise. They shake like crazy. Have a great weekend!! xoxo .

    1. Mary, I hope,you have a good fourth even if it’s just the two of you. And we used to live in the country but the kids around here used to set off firecrackers in the school yard every holiday from the fourth clear through to Christmas in the school yard. Now there are homes going in there and a night watchman, so we think it will be quiet for the first time in 40 years! It made me really angry because the dogs just hated that.😡
      The pie is really delicious. 😋

  2. People will probably set off fireworks around here tonight and tomorrow night. They startle the cows so we always have to check them and make sure they haven't stampeded or something.

    1. I was wondering about that, I mean the cows. I just hate fireworks. And yes, no one waits for the fourth and the school yard was a favorite place to set them off. Now, with the big new houses up there, I don't think the night watch will take kindly to any shenanigans. It may be more peaceful.... fingers crossed..

  3. The fireworks (those set off by people at home) started last night around here. This is our first 4th without our Elvis who was the one who feared the noise. While I didn't miss all 70 pounds of him trying to crawl up on me, it made me miss him.

    I don't think we're doing anything much this year, either. Our daughter and her husband just bought the house next door and he invited his family to cook out. I'm not sure that we are invited this year. Even if we are, it's not like we have to go anywhere. LOL

    1. Poor big old Elvis. All dogs and even cats have a hulluva time with fireworks.
      Wherever you end up on the fourth, I hope you have a great time. Sometimes it's just nice to be home.

  4. Oh I like your Blue Berry Pie Cream cheese Pie... can I come over?
    And it is only 8.62 g of carbs

    1. Oh yes! come on! I will make you a mini pie, too. We only have mini pies now. lol
      Happy Fourth Diana!

  5. My old dog was from a litter that had been fostered. Thank goodness for those folks.

    1. Yes, bless them all. And, Fostering saves lives.
      I so want to do this right now, but probably should wait until Fall. Too much happening right now to have a tender little soul here.

      Then I bite my nails about not saving a dog right NOW!

  6. Replies
    1. Why thank you, Ms. Harriet. And you do the same. Light a sparkler for me? lol


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..