"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Saturday 9: Aretha , The Queen of Soul..

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Readers: If you would like to join in this Famous Meme, or see other participants answers, Go here

Think (1968)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.
In fond remembrance of The Queen of Soul (1942-2018).
Aretha and I were born in the same year.  I'd have loved to sing with her, even just once...

1) As befits one of America's premiere artists, Aretha Franklin sang at three Presidential inaugurations. The first was Jimmy Carter's in 1977, when she sang "God Bless America." What's your favorite patriotic song? 
"Born in the USA", by Bruce Springsteen is my favorite. It's sort of a modern Anthem for whatever class I have, and yes, that is funny, but it's also the truth... I am a member of the Class of 1960, and the working class...

2) The daughter of a Baptist minister, Aretha grew up with church music. She told Rolling Stone one of her favorite songs was the hymn, "Victory Is Mine." What's your favorite religious song?  Old timey , I like "Bye n Bye".... which I can't find by the Blue Grass Group I like but here is Helen (oops) Elizabeth Cotton on the guitar, in her style..

And there is this more modern one, too... "Down in the River to Pray"...It's really beautiful......

3) She welled up a bit when President George H. W. Bush presented her with the nation's highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005. When is the last time you shed a tear?
Really?  Ah well... the raw emotions....You caught me by surprise.  
So I have to say, that time is just prior to reading this question while musing,  and then typing out the truth of it all.....so it would be this afternoon when I thought of how much I miss my daughter, and her brilliant mind.  I love the way she could figure out the most complex things.  I miss her every day and shed some tears about it.

4) In 1980, the Queen of Soul sang for the Queen of England in a Command Performance at The Royal Albert Hall. Have you ever been to London?
No.  I thought I'd backpack all over Europe at some point but that point never arrived.  I really don't think I missed out on anything; on a personal level, it doesn't matter at all, and it certainly doesn't matter to the world.

5) Since Aretha had many honorary degrees, it would have been appropriate to refer to her as Dr. Franklin. Who is the last person you referred to by his or her title (Officer, Father, Sgt., Dr., etc.)?
That would be our vet.  Wolfie needs his allergy meds again, too.  Thanks for the Reminder!

6)  In this week's song, Aretha tells her lover that it doesn't take a high IQ to understand what's going on in their relationship. Do you know your IQ?  No.  I did score very high in the College Boards, a test that predated the PSats.  Fat lot of good it did me, eh?  Lol!    

7) A sculpture of Aretha is on display at Madame Tussaud's in New York. Do you think wax museums are cool, or creepy?
I'd probably come down on the side of "Creepy" if I ever went on a tour of the place.

8) Aretha and Motown legend Smokey Robinson were literally lifelong friends, since they were playground buddies in Detroit. Smokey is one of the only people who can claim to have seen The Queen of Soul with a bucket in a sandbox. If we went to the playground today, would you head for the swings, the slide or the jungle gym? Or, like Aretha, would you play in the sand?
I'll see you in the Sand Box, my friend...

9) Random question: Do you like pumpkin seeds?
I like what is called, "Pepitas".  

From The Find Cooking Web page
These two seeds are not equivalent to each other....
The others, unshelled and unmeaty pumpkin seeds, were tasty when, as kids, we roasted them with Mom, and ate them after Halloween.  But when I look back, it was probably because we were always pretty hungry for any treat.  


  1. What an emotional Saturday 9 you've given us, starting with Bruce and on through your longing for your girl. I admire your honesty.

    I don't know if I've ever had pepitas.

    1. Pepitas are very tasty and I've heard that they come from white pumpkins. I'm tempted to get a couple white pumpkins and test this out.
      I've gotten my emotions back under control. So many others are struggling with this same issue. I admire them so much. In a few years it may come to the surface less frequently. You are forever changed but the pain of it must abate at least somewhat.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Diana....I love the Lyrics. To me, it's more of an anthem for our generation than any other..

  3. First of all...((((HUGS))))...this one seemed a tough one for you. I guess it really did make you "Think."
    I like Born in the USA, but didn't even think of it when I was trying to remember songs late last night.
    I never did a lot of things I thought I'd do when I imagined my life, but I'm with you. It didn't matter. I've done other things and wouldn't change it.
    Have a lovely Saturday!

    1. "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans." Allen Saunders...1957. I was a junior in high school, with big plans for my future. lol
      And there are things I would change about myself, absolutely, but I'd not want to change my family life. It was too special. But I would change things about ME.

  4. I am so sorry about your daughter. Gosh, how you must miss her. I see her photo over here, she was gorgeous!
    Pepitas...I have never had them, but they look good in your picture!


    1. Thanks Lori. I've calmed down more again. She's missed a lot.
      Ah, pepitas.. they come from white pumpkins, I'm told. I'll be checking that out later on in the Autumn months. They are good, even when raw, which is the usual way I eat them.

  5. Sending hugs your way, my friend. xo

    1. Thank you Kwizgiver. I left this post's comments til last so that I was calmer. Thanks for those hugs! xo back atcha..💞

  6. {{ hugs }} So sorry for your pain

    1. Thanks for the sweet Hugs, and I send some right back to you, Bev.

  7. I don't think before today I made the connection with the photo that I realize now is your beautiful daughter. Of course you would shed tears. In my lifetime, I've done more than I ever could have imagined. And I love the Alison Krauss song.

    1. Nonnie, thank you.
      My mother carried a poem around in her wallet all of her life after my baby brother died. It is called, "The Silent Tear". I think of all the mothers and fathers who have lost children over my own life time, and they are legion. And yes, I agree, that Alison Krauss song is completely beautiful.

  8. Sorry you're having a bad Saturday, dear Zippi. But I so loved that video of the Bye & Bye and the two-finger cotton-picking method! I enjoyed the guitar playing on that tremendously, so thank you for sharing it.

    1. Some days are easier than other's CountryDew. Some hours, some weeks.. it is getting easier except when faced with memories.....
      When I found that video of Elizabeth Cottons's I thought of you;
      I thought you'd like it. And I'm glad you did.
      Keep walking your two miles a day because it will help you immensely, as you must know. Good job!

  9. Pepitas are good. Actually, I like them better than pumpkin seeds. They taste kinda like large sunflower seeds.
    I know what you mean about the pain of missing someone. Not only my parents but, that darn dog that I lost a few months ago. Hang in there.

    1. That grief train goes off the track every once in awhile when you aren't expecting it.
      Belovéd beings, all of them, are hard to part with! We can think we know what happens but only they really KNOW what happens in the "Great Mystery", having preceded us into it, and they are pretty mum about it all.

    2. And thank you, too. I'll keep on keeping on, and when I can't I'll have a gin and tonic and be silent for a bit...


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..