"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Thursday 13. Lost and Found bits and pieces, 13 and various...

And, Away we go!

A note from self to you all... This published early by accident.  I'm sorry.. I got the date wrong when setting it... 

1. One of my little teapots from the early days of Ceramics Club.  I made a set of cups for it, too.  We poured our own molds then.  After a while, when we got up into the years, lifting big molds became impossible so we also bought green ware.  I liked those early years the best...

I have a couple other ones I made, but this is my favorite.
2. Another one of Mother's Oriental China boxes.  She put her favorite rose petals in it.  They are still fragrant after nearly 45 years, I date them back to before she lost her house and the roses, falling victim to  Psycho Dad's wiles and scams.

The white gunk on the rim of the box made sure that it was sealed up well.  I am clearing out the hutch and it's base and found many things.

3.  I found this in the back of the buffet.  Init purdy?  Although the provenance is at the moment, "unknown", I am almost totally certain that it was a gift from my mother in law.  I adore the thing.  It's really a beautiful glass bowl.  Inquiries are to be made...

4.  This little chicken was on the upper part of the hutch way back in one of the corners.  Very VERY dusty.  I dusted it off, sneezed many times, and then opened it up.  "Behold", it held many Chinese fortunes from cookies.  The two that I laid out first were hilarious together...
The first fortune reads: "You are always the center of attention', 
The second says," Keep your feet on the ground even though friends flatter you."
They just were laid out with the others in that order.
When I read them, I laughed and laughed!

5.  Found!  Very small shell box of beautiful tiny tumbled cobbles, from the desert.

6.  Sweet little "Sunday Best" Sadler.  From my small tea pot collection.  I've used them all at one time or another.

7. Found!  But this Could be called the Lost and Found.
A little trip around the destroyed shade garden yielded two little succulent survivors.. Here is one.  The tiny, spindly that WAS in the pot for two whole years has died after being nursed through thick and thin.  It just gave up...So, this new wild child will have to grow or I will rip it up and plant something that WANTS to be here.  This winter I'll be getting more starts of the other one anyway.  It's a beauty and I'm not giving up getting starts just yet.

Three plants were growing until a month ago.
Then, they all died... Dead as a Door Nails

8. Found:  One of my prettiest tea pots.  I still love this one.  I've quit collecting or there would be dozens of them. It's a sickness.  I collect them all on Pinterest now.

9.  Another teapot and a really strange looking one.  What possessed me?

10. Found... A few of my mother's and my grandmother's things.  I opened a box my sister gave me a couple of years ago, and these were in it. The gloves were ones my mother wore to work at the County Law Library. She was a clerk typist and steno.
 And her sunglasses.
The little petit point leather covered box was my grandmother's but it only had other pairs of mother's sunglasses in it. 

11. Found, a  tiny traveler.
This little weevil was clinging for dear life to an electric cord under the lamp table.  I put a paper scrap under him/her to show him off better, I then tried to capture him and put him outside.  After the snap, I gently broke his grip and sent him on his way, on some of the weeds, after dark... I'm sure the birds would find him delicious, and I wanted to give him a chance.

12.  My tiniest tea pot: a Sadler One Cup.  It's so sweet.  You can hold it in one hand.

13.  Lost.  My mind.  No pictures for that.  So I made one....

For those who want me to play the "Why don't you, Yes, but..." game.  I'm too old, sad, broken, and tired to deal with it.

I'm off to sing Kumbaya now and EAT LOTS OF GOOD STUFF!


  1. I lost 4 wonderful outdooe plants this week - miss them so- your pits etc so lovely and each a special memory

    1. Hi sandyland, this is a harsh year for the gardens. True. Sorry about your plants...you baby them along, and care about them a lot so it’s hard to lose them. And yes, they are special because you remember who gave them to you, etc.
      The fires are raging in the Northern California forests. The Cedar Fire, here in out county in 2003, was huge.
      So far our big cacti in the front are holding on though they will need watering this year from the lack of spring rains. I’ve lost three or four small varieties of cactus out in that bed this year. Everything has a life span. But nearly 30 years of continuous drought is terribly hard.

  2. I love all of these beautiful things, especially #8, my mom loves hummingbirds, and they always catch my eye now! Thank you for sharing these photos with us! I have my granny's driving license from the 70s I think, and I keep it with me :)

    1. Hiya Kara! πŸ’—. That is one of my favorite teapots,too. It is bone China and keeps tea hot longer. And it’s really a beautiful one.
      I keep my mom’s pin cushion in the sewing room,along with her button collections,and my grandma’s thimble. It’s very sweet that you have some keepsakes from your grandma, too.
      Hope you and your mom have a lovely...and cooler... πŸŒ§πŸ™πŸΌ Weekend. Come on Fall! We are ready!πŸ˜‚

  3. Is that where my mind went? Into the ethers. I love the hummingbird teapot the most!

    1. If so, we can meet up in the ethers and commune with each other.. πŸŒ¬πŸ’¨. Take aleft at the big 🌈. Thanks for your visit!

  4. You have so many beautiful teapots! The pumpkin is adorable, but I like the "Sunday Best" the best.

    1. Thank you! And, I like that biggish Sunday Best Sadler one a lot, too. It holds more cups, for when friends come. So, come on over when the summer is over, and I’ll make us a pot of tea, and bake cookies, too.

  5. Teapots: The tinier the better, I think.

    1. Well yes, if you don't like tea... You must not like tea! lol... Thanks for the fun comment.
      I wish I had the tea sets from my childhood. Now those were really tiny. ;o)

  6. Wonderful little teapots!..and other things as well! My daughter was so sad..on this last move BACK to CA (Bakersfield..going to finish school up Univ. of CA) one of the little succulents that you had given her..didn't make it :'( we were so sad and then it's sooooo hot up there and only place really is her apartment patio direct sun...

    1. Hiya PJ. Thanks!
      And, these little plants get right into your DNA I think, and put air roots down. I'm so attached to mine that I really can understand that sadness. And Congratulations to your Daughter to be finishing Uni! Soon she will be able to move anywhere she wants to, I hope. Bakersfield is well named... lol

  7. I love your teapots and the things you found. It is amazing what lies hidden in the dark recesses, isn't it?

    1. Is it EVER amazing.. ;o) Bug bears and barnacle encrusted, they lurk and gather their dusty shrouds around them.
      Thank you about the tea pots. And I have others I'll share from time to time. Mr. Z has to get them down for me now. I'm not very good on step stools. heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..