"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wordless Wednesday .. From the Past.. Cedar Fire....

God Bless the Firefighters


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment. It was rather exciting. We were evacuated from a campground that morning. That fire got huge. We were almost sent into the desert because they had to close down highway 8 just a few minutes after we crept through going west.

  2. CO has certainly been hit..just recently the 'Spring Fire' went through the property my dad still owns, those fire fighters SAVED the cabin he just sold, but, sadly, the cabin I spent 8th grade until I left for the Navy (in the same area....my folk had built two-at different times) has burned to the ground :'( soon I will be going up to see out our four acre lot survived. IT WILL COME BACK. Nature will heal. ...but, yeah, set by a person. 107k acres later and I believe 187 homes later...like the communication officer said in one of the live meeting I would routinely watch- "Think about it...Fire is the only disaster that our men and woman stand in front of! We don't go in front of a hurricane...we don't go in front of a tornado...or a floor...be we go in front of a FIRE"

    1. Yes, the fire fighters do, and they go even if the bullets are still whizzing by, as they did at the time of the Watts' Riot. I never got madder than I did then, that anyone, ANYONE, would fire on an Engine full of firefighters. They didn't care what was on fire, it was their job to put it out and they did. They are, in my eyes, the Bravest people.

    2. PS. I wondered an awful lot about that rural property of your parents. I hope that your family was spared at least part of the forests around your land. Yes, it recovers. The campground we were at when we were evacuated was burnt to the ground, and our poor little nieces couldn't be told that all the deer and turkeys they had happily fed were gone. It would have broken their sweet hearts.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..