"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Saturday 9: What's Love Got to do with it?

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!   

Thanks for this, Gal.  I love this song!

What's Love Got to Do with It? (1984)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it HERE.
What's Love Got to Do with It is also the title of Tina Turner's film biography, which tells of Tina's escape from her abusive, controlling husband, Ike. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  

Spread the word that help is available.

1) The video was shot around New York City in spring. Kids are seen jumping rope. Were you good at jump rope? Has it ever been part of your workout routine as an adult?  As a kid, I was really good at skipping rope, and it was the most darn fun.  That was a long, long time ago.  It's all I can do, anymore, to just step over a rope laying in my path.

2) In real life, Tina Turner played basketball for her school. Were you good at team sports? I was in GAA the whole time in high school, and competed in Archery, Basketball, Softball, and Volleyball meets, and earned my basketball referee's certification.  But in college I was a swimmer and competed in tennis tourneys, two non-team sports.

3) In the video, Tina Turner wears a little black dress topped with a denim jacket. That jacket is a fashion staple 36 years later. Do you own a denim jacket?  I have two of them, and one is a Levi's jacket. I've been thinking of driving the Jeep over it a thousand times to soften it up. 

3) This song was first offered to Cliff Richard, a major pop star in England who never enjoyed gained superstar status in the US. Perhaps, if he had recorded "What's Love Got to Do with It?," he would have been better known on this side of the ocean. Tell us about a time when you said "no" when "yes" might have been the better answer.  No. ;o)  And that's because I'm tired .. and here's a little treat from Kristen.  A Haiku about that condition.

That about sums up senior adulthood.

4) Tina's first marriage, to Ike Turner, was a painful one. Her second marriage, to German music executive Erwin Bach has been far more supportive. This has been a blessing, since Tina has had serious health problems in recent years. Do you have any medical/dental appointments scheduled?  Not anymore.  Had a scad of them the last two months.

5) Tina met Erwin at Heathrow Airport in 1986. He was there to help her prepare for her London performances. They immediately liked one a
nother, but didn't become romantically involved until months later and were surprised to find themselves falling in love. Have you ever had a romantic relationship that crept on you?  Nope. Someone, another nerd, really liked me in High School, but I had my eye on a completely oblivious and Tall basketball player. 

6) The Rolling Stones' Keith Richards referred to Tina as his "favorite aunt." Is there anyone who isn't a relative of yours by blood but you refer to as aunt, uncle, brother, sister, etc.? My mother's life long friend, "Aunt" Jeanne. And, my friend, D.  She and I call each other, "SisFace".  Our Hubbies call us, "Women Hit with the Same Brick"

7) Former President George W. Bush is also a big Tina Turner fan, and has praised her for having "the most famous legs in show business." What do you believe is your best physical feature?
Not that they are particularly great, but it's probably my eyes.

8) At home, Tina often doesn't always play music or TV because she appreciates quiet as much as music. What about you? Do you enjoy quiet?  I've learned to appreciate the quiet.

9) Random question: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "very lazy" and 10 being "very productive," what number are you?  Since I take it that this could also include pursuits other than "physically" active, I'd say I'm a 9.  Slow but still pretty active.  I basically never stop thinking and writing about most "BIG" questions. 

But, it's the arguments I have with myself that are the most time consuming.  


"Will you please just shut up!!??"

Thank you for reading this far, if you have.  Please ... GO HERE to the Linkie to see the other participants' posts.

This is a new song by Luke Brindley, and it's so beautiful I wanted to share the word about his music, and because it fits so well into this theme.




And now, I pay homage to our lovely Meme leader......



  1. Oh, my dear! That haiku is me some mornings! (I don't know why, but I worry most about money in the morning when I first wake up. And you KNOW what mornings can be mean to a bad back!)

    1. Oh, yes, I do know so much about a bad back... and money. When I saw that on Pinterest, it was hunt it down and clipart it! Thanks for the comment here, Gal. And for so many years of Saturday Fun...

  2. That Haiku was funny! Yes sometime I have to tell myself to stop thinking!
    Oh Yes GAA, I loved it. I liked swimming too.

    1. Wasn't GAA fun?! It saved my life in High School. Swimming is the best but it wasn't until I got down to the sea, and could go into the ocean daily that it became almost ZEN!
      Yes, Stop thinking, and do it NOW! lol

  3. The haiku is so accurate. And thank you for the lovely song--"turn off the tv and love my family" YES!

    1. That Haiku .... it really is spot on. It's going into the side bar soon!
      And you're welcome for the song. Luke is a great player and songwriter. I have three of his albums I love his work so much. He plays several stringed instruments and builds his own backs..

  4. That Haiku is spot on! I love it! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


    1. Isn't it so TRUE... lol Thanks for the good wishes for the weekend. I return them as well.. Stay safe and Stay Sane. At some point this will be over and the kids and teachers will all be safe again. Many Hearts!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!

  5. I was introduced to tennis after DH and I started our courtship. One of the near by high schools had a tennis court. On the weekends, we'd play. Well...I did more chasing the ball then actually playing. That's okay because it was so much fun. I got a little better and while my playing level was nowhere near DH's he didn't mind it. I'm sure I gave him a good laugh. We continued playing after we got married sporadically for the activity and entertainment. Again, I was doing the entertaining knocking the ball over the court fence and chasing after it. The memories are sweet. Thanks for sharing with us. Also, enjoy your song pick.


    1. hi Cathy... It's lovely to hear such Sweet Memories. My hubby and I played tennis for a good many years and it was a lot of fun. We only ever played singles but it was good. There's a nearby W so we played there and at a High School. Also, Glad you liked the song. I use music more and more to help out my thoughts. They need it! lol!

  6. Now archery is something I would like to do. In college I took skeet shooting for a gym class

    1. Skeet! Well that is something not usually here on this coast but I also liked to target practice with my .22 when I was younger. Never had shotgun.
      Tennis would be fun and if you can still walk well enough you should be able to find a place to play. Go for it! 👍

  7. Ha! I'm not quite a senior citizen at 56, but that haiku is getting painfully close to my reality. Love the video!

    1. Hi Stacy, Well, you have bounced around in a school bus for years and years, and then started a job where you had to lift seniors and others up out of bed or chairs. As any nurse will tell you, that can put your back in bad shape. I'm so glad you liked the video. It's calming to me.. and very appropriate at this time, sadly.

  8. Oh dear. I don't know what GAA is. It must be something we didn't have. You were very athletic. I have always been a potato. Loved the haiku and the song.

    1. It's all over California, or was.. haven't checked lately. It's the Girls' Athletic Association. We went to week and weekend meets, and from both of the high schools I attended. I was very athletic, true.
      Potatoes are just fine! Glad that you liked the song and the Haiku. I sort of thought the Haiku would speak to many of us. lol. Have a great week. I'm going to try to figure out how to link a T-13 this week. Monday is nice but I can't always do three in a row.

  9. SisFace is so sweet! My brother calls me SuperSis and I call him SuperBro.
    You have arguments with yourself, too? Love it.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..