"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Sunday Stealing: For those who Celebrate Christmas #1

Hi! I'm your host Bev 2 Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This 3 feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal 4 all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise 5 to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and 6 intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Please go HERE for the linkie to see other Thieves...

Taken from Pinterest

What’s your favorite thing about the holidays?  Getting together with family.

Do you send out Christmas cards and if so how many do you send?
Not any more.

Be honest: holiday newsletters. Love ‘em or hate ‘em?
I like them, mostly.

Be honest: photo cards. Love ‘em or hate ‘em? 
I like these as well.

How soon do you start shopping? 
I used to shop starting in September.

Real or fake tree? 
Fake.  We found that we liked them.

When do you put up your tree?
Right after Thanksgiving usually.

When do you take down your tree? 
I have taken it down in April but usually sooner than that.  I really like the lights.

Describe your typical tree (size, decorations, type) 
Six feet, white, handmade and/or old family ornaments, garlands.

What do you top your tree with?
An Angel.

Do you put Christmas lights outside your house? 
We usually do.  This year we didn't. 

Is there a wreath hanging on your door?
No. All the wreaths are inside.

Do you hang up stockings?
We used to.

Your favorite Christmas Movie(s)
I like a lot of movies, like, "It's a Wonderful Life", which was my daughter's favorite.  And I even like the "Die Hard" series of Christmas movies. 

Be honest: A Christmas movie you hate.
"Home alone" springs to mind. 

Favorite Christmas Song(s) 
I like them all.

Be honest: If I hear this/these Christmas songs again I will throw up
OK, there might be a chipmunk song that I'm tired of.  I can't remember, to be honest.  Can I come back and edit this? 

Give or Receive?
I love giving.  Not so much receiving.  I have so much stuff that I can't really think about adding to it.  Well, some of those new little storage things with the wings that snap down.  *thinks about it*

Eggnog or Mulled Cider?
Yes, Please!

Ham or Turkey?
I won't eat either one. I don't like meat.

 Well, that was a bummer to read I bet.  I'm not very jolly at the moment so, maybe Monty Python should come over and hang me by the neck until I cheer up?  

Watch "The 10 worst Christmas Carols" Review,  if you dare... It's sort of adult but not too bad.  If you've been to a Bon Jovi concert, you won't bat an Eyelash.



Merry Merry! Lol!


  1. Christmas is different this year. I miss spending time with my grandkids. I am hoping next year will be back to normal. Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas, Susan! I hope you can Zoom or Skype this year in lieu of in person visits.
      And, I'll wish with you that we're back to normal next year.
      Oh,yes, Christmas is decidedly different this year. Stay safe!

  2. Grandma got ran over by a reindeer. Something fun to listen to and they don't play it that often.
    I enjoyed reading your post. Hope you find some cheer soon.

    1. Thank you OJM, I thought that link was so very Nutzo! And scandalous, but it's a very weird Christmas season so thought, "Hey? Why not?" Glad you liked the post. We had a sort of Cyber attack this AM but it was soon over. I blame the Russians. lol

  3. I love how everyone has such different traditions when it comes to Christmas. I watched Home Alone last night for the first time...I always thought it looked so stupid, but I did enjoy it. Loved your answers! Have a very Merry Christmas!


    1. I liked it when we first watched it, and then logic started to take over.. really, a cop inside asking questions on the night everyone is rushing around getting ready to fly away? Logic has nothing to do with Magic, so I'll watch it for the parts I am CRAZY about, like the Santa who says, "You DOUBT me?" It's a cute movie if the Grinch in my is honest.
      Merry Christmas right back to ya! Thank you!

  4. I hope you are soon perking up, Zippi. I am a bit worried about you. Storage boxes are always good - can't never have enough storage.

    1. Thank you, Miss A. I have to stop this obsessive reading of stufffff.
      Also, I think that once I get rid of Things I will NEVER use again, I will stick to my knitting,ceramics,jewelry, and sewing, I'll have plenty of room.
      The little winged storage boxes are for the kitchen or to take along thing to eat on picnics if we EVER get to go down to the bay again. Ever... *deep sighing ensues*.
      I can't wait for summer. All of us long for this to be over. I just found out that my oldest friend in the neighborhood has a daughter very ill with Covid. Heart breaking. I watched that woman grow up and she's an terrific artist. Everyone has these stories now. I've run on a bit here.. sorry..
      Have a lovely though quiet it may be, Holiday tucked up in one of the most beautiful parts of our land. (((Hugs)))

  5. Enjoyed your answers.
    Merry Christmas!🎄

    1. Thank you so much Lola. Merry Christmas, my friend! Don't let any "Turkeys" get you down. Much Love!

  6. Keeping the Christmas Tree up until April? If you like it, why not? SOme people here put up their tree at the start of November - it's a sign of 2020 and how bad it has been.

    2021 will be better - believe me.




    1. Thank you. Since you may well have the best info I will listen to you.
      And yes, sometimes we need this cheery little tree to give us hope through dark times.
      I will probably keep my tree up until JUNE when everyone has been vaccinated and everyone's children are safe. And also that we might avoid a half a million casualties in the states, alone. We are,sadly, already over half way there.. I don't think I'll ever forgive the wrecking crew in Washington for what they did, nor that they hid that they were profiting from it. Because they were profiting. There's proof of it.

  7. Sorry you're feeling a bit down, Zippi. Christmas is weird this year, and I'm like you, I really HAVE to stop reading stuff. I just can't bear not to be informed. Take care of your yourself, and try to have a bit of a Happy Christmas--this WILL end. <B

    1. I really do have to stop reading about it, but the more I read the more I learn about little back door deals to ship things out of the country to China, whom they are now vilifying, and trying to minimize information about the dangers here in the states. I can't forgive it. I just can't. Little children have died!
      Like you, I can not BEAR to be uninformed. So MANY people who aided and abetted this monstrosity of a "Grifting Crew" did just that! "RAGE"is very droll but it got the point across.
      I'm watching "feel good" Christmas Movies. It seems to be helpful. Thanks to Netflix and Prime, and YouTube for this!

    2. PS. Thank you Me, Myself, and I. Thanks for listening ... many little Hearts. <3<3<3

  8. enjoyed your answers I love old ornaments and handmades :) My favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life, I thought of the Chipmunks but in their own way they are cute songs :) Merry Christmas

  9. Hi 2 Gators. We share a love of Family Heirloom trees then. Every year, I try to put them all up on the tree.

    And, that's a great movie, and was my daughter's favorite one. I watch it every year, and today is the day to watch it again!
    Hope you have a calm, health, peaceful Holiday. Many Blessings. ❤️


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..